Quote of the Day
Competition is good for the soul, and for you personally. It breeds a need to be more
successful in all areas. Basically, whether it is matters of the heart or more appropriately,
sports related, it encourages you to seek more from yourself. This is what life is all about-
-trying to elevate your abilities to match your untapped potential. It’s in you to be in a
winner; not a whiner!
--Jim Fargiano
successful in all areas. Basically, whether it is matters of the heart or more appropriately,
sports related, it encourages you to seek more from yourself. This is what life is all about-
-trying to elevate your abilities to match your untapped potential. It’s in you to be in a
winner; not a whiner!
--Jim Fargiano
To visit LIPO (Long Island Post Ops) bariatric support group website click here: www.liponation.org
"WLS is a journey, not a destination (don't get comfortable) ... it's a road that we must travel daily to succeed". Faith Thomas
visit my blog at theessenceofmaryellen.com/

To visit LIPO (Long Island Post Ops) bariatric support group website click here: www.liponation.org
"WLS is a journey, not a destination (don't get comfortable) ... it's a road that we must travel daily to succeed". Faith Thomas
visit my blog at theessenceofmaryellen.com/