Check it out! -- I'll be there!
The Blue Thong Society
"Women Connecting Communities"
Drop Dead Dates for Regional Events!!
2010 Regional Events!!
Atlantic City Regional Event
Resorts Casino Hotel / 1133 Boardwalk
Atlantic City, NJ 08401 / 800-334-6378
Chapter Director's Retreat: 11AM to 2PM
Chapter Directors and Potential Directors ONLY
Hosted by: BTS Founders / Full Lunch Served
Resorts Casino Hotel
Room Rates: $175 - $200 / Rendezvous Tower
Group Code: VBLUE
Hotel reservations need to be made by: Sept. 7, 2010
Event Registrations need to be made by 9-22-10 for the Pre-paid Price Discount!!
Saturday, Sept. 25th / Registration starts at: 4:00 PM
VENDOR TABLES ARE STILL AVAILABLE!! Contact MARY JO at [email protected]
Presentation 4:00 to 6:00 / Followed by Meet & Greet
Dinner / 1-hour Hosted Bar & BTS Specialty Drinks Sponsored by Blue Ice Vodka
BTS Members $35 Pre-Paid / $40 at the Door
NON-BTS Members $45 Pre-Paid / $55 at the Door
RSVP TODAY!! Event details & registration
information available at