I live in Binghamton, where is the nearest surgeon that does the DS?
Hi..I believe Rochester..Dr.William O'Malley! He is located at Highland Hospital..that's all I know..maybe someone else will chime in who has had him.:) Good Luck!:)
P.S...I second Doc Peters in Scranton..he is very nice and to the point..he was going to be my surgeon last November but some financial difficulties happened and I couldn't do the self pay thing after that.
P.S...I second Doc Peters in Scranton..he is very nice and to the point..he was going to be my surgeon last November but some financial difficulties happened and I couldn't do the self pay thing after that.
Dr. Howard Simon at Upstate Bariatric is awesome!! His partner is Dr. Kim (who I hear is great too). I love the support from the center. I get fast support via email from NUT and NP whenever I need it. I traveled from Rome to Syracuse for the surgery and it was totally worth it! I 'd be happy to talk with you about it!