IVC put in before surgery

Margaret W.
on 11/6/09 6:23 am - Syracuse, NY
The doctor said some thing about maybe having a IVC put in before surgery (a what???) i have no clue what this is, where it goes, and what is it going to do. Any one have this done before bypass and what can you tell me any info is great. Thanks
on 11/6/09 9:25 pm - NY
Do you have a problem with blood clots?  I believe it's a filter to prevent blood clots from going to your lungs....double check....maybe you can google it.  Webmd is a very reputable site for checking things like that.
on 11/10/09 3:29 am
Maybe Intravenous cather? As the poster above mentioned ivc filter could mean inferior venacaval but that doesn't make much sense unless you have a very specific history .

" Oh you who love clear edges more than anything...........watch the edges that blurr."
on 11/10/09 6:54 am
It's a Vena Cava Filter. My surgeon had me meet with another doctor about getting one. It looks like an umbrella and goes in the right groin and will stay up there forever.  It will catch any blood clots.  They said they will do mine 2 days before my surgery it will be out patient procedure.  I haven't had my surgery yet, still have to see the nutritionist next week.
Margaret W.
on 11/10/09 8:21 am - Syracuse, NY
thank you all for the info --i received a letter with an appoint with a doctor for a consult reguarding having an IVC ( inferior vena cava filter) put in before my bypass if i am a good canadate.. I am still waiting for insurance approval and hope it comes soon , i would like to have bypass before the end of the year if possible.
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