New to board
The only problem with keeping it quite is where will your support be? It is nothing to be ashamed of. This is a huge decision and one that will affect your life in every aspect. You will be eating differently, having a lot of "gas" and bathroom related times, not eating when others are and they will want to know why. God forbid any thing goes wrong with surgery and you have to be out longer or are hospitalized. Then when the weight loss starts to happen...well its nice to have cheerleaders along the way. Rethink this. You do not have to advertise or tell everyone but I think it is healthy to share. We have hidden in our large selves long enough.
You did not mention is you work outside the home or not.
No you are not crazy...but again ther secrecy has me concerned.
I am celebrating my 3rd surgiversary today
I have maintained a 135-140 frame from 315# my highest, 200# lost, Gone Baby, Gone