new need advice
Hi..I am new to this whole weight loss surgery thing.I have been heavy for about 7 years now.I always weighed like 115lbs my whole life until I lost a pregnancy in 96.After that I started gaining a little by little. I also am an addict. And for the past 7 years I have gained well over 100lbs.I am 5'7" and weigh 260 lbs.I feel sick when I look in the mirror.I have knee pain and my feet hurt. I breathe really hard and am winded very easily.I dont have a mentrual cycle because of my weight which in turn causes me to repeatedly have displasia which turns into cancer eventually.I hate how I look . I get really depressed. I feel fat and ugly and it affects everything in my life.I use to have a very nice body and had many offers to model.I was healthier and now. I justr feel like a big nasty blob. I also was a bartender for 10 years until I gained al this weight. Now if I apply for a position like that...I think they want to laugh like yea right.How many fat bartenders have you seen?Anyway..I called to see about bariatric surgery. The receptionist at the hospital was very rude And tried to tell me I was not even close to being a candidate. She was like..Well you have to have diabetes or high blood pressure. And you have to be 100 lbs over weight and a BMI of 40 or more. My primary already said I am above 40 and if 260 is not 100lbs over the ideal weight of a person who is 5'7". And she was just horrible to talk to. So what is it with these types of surgerys? Do they want you to develop an incurable disease like diabetes before they are willing to help you. My blood sugar is already a tad over what it should. But I do not have diabetes. I have tried everything possible to lose weight naturally. I can never lose more than 25lbs. Its like I get stuck there.Also I know my self esteem is affected by this alot. Which makes me depressed and maybe my drug use stems from this.I still signed up for the orientation. But why does it have to be too late and someone have to develop an eventually terminal disease before I can get help. I thought the whole point of surgeries like this was to prevent such things.But of course this was just a receptionist telling me this. It broke my heart to hear that.This is my life. I dont want to end up with worse health problems because of my weight before anyone will help[ me.Any advice?? Please help me.
My ins does cover all the surgeries and I was refered to the place I called by my primary.It just really made me angry that a receptionist would be discouraging my inquiries and be so rude about it. Plus I dont think she is in any position to be asking anything except when I can speak with someone qualified to ask the questions.I have the orientation Jan 31st. Which will be when I get out of drug treatment.It is tme o turn my life around. I am getting too old for the chaos and I want to get myself healthy in every way possible.