I am so sorry you are going through so much pain. I am sending you lots of soft hugs & happy thoughts!!!
You should definitely let your dr know how you feel!! If he's as good as I have heard people say he is he can help you through this & reassure your concerns!!!
Hang in there... it will get better!!!!
Thank you so much for the support it means alot and the soft hugs totally needed!!! I see the Dr. on Wed. But I do feel better since I posted so hopefully it was just a rough recovery and nothing major. He is an awesome Dr. and I trust him and he doesn;t seem all that concerned So I am trying to relax. But thanks again.
Lori, those people are smoking crack, I was down and out with my laparoscopically done gallbladder removal for like 7-10 days so don't you let them tell you when you should start feeling better! Good night nurse how can you be hunky dorey after 1-2 days when there is anethesia involved? Get out there and walk as much as you can to help remove the anethesia but you try and get a nap or two in there as well. ANDI ps. Happy Healing
Thank You Andi,
Your 100% right I am starting to feel a little better still very sore. Eating has been a challenge I felt like things weren't moving right. I guess from the bowel surgery it slowed things up a little. I see the Dr. Weed. and we'll see whats going on. Thanks again for the support.
you're doing awesome, keep up the good work and as long as you are getting in your fluids the rest will come to you. The more protein you can get in (even shakes or what not) the better you'll feel, protein helps us heal! Be Well and remember tomorrow you are going to feel better then today and each day a little stronger and a little better. ANDI