WLS and Pulmonary Hypertension
After my daughter and I having our WLS within the last 4 months my sister is no seriously thinking about coming on board and having the surgery. She has been obese and over the last 20 years it has gotten increasenly worse. She went to an orthopedic surgeon this week and he basically told her she would be wheelchair bound within a few years at the rate she is going. Of course that scared her. Her main concern (and her husbands who at this point is not real supportive of her having surgery) is that she was diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension as the result of taking Phen/Phen & Redux. She has had surgery on her lungs for this back after her original diagnoses. She asked me how having this condition could jepordize her chances of surgery and how much greater the risk would be. I was honest with her and told her I really had no idea but I would ask on here. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Sally
After my daughter and I having our WLS within the last 4 months my sister is no seriously thinking about coming on board and having the surgery. She has been obese and over the last 20 years it has gotten increasenly worse. She went to an orthopedic surgeon this week and he basically told her she would be wheelchair bound within a few years at the rate she is going. Of course that scared her. Her main concern (and her husbands who at this point is not real supportive of her having surgery) is that she was diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension as the result of taking Phen/Phen & Redux. She has had surgery on her lungs for this back after her original diagnoses. She asked me how having this condition could jepordize her chances of surgery and how much greater the risk would be. I was honest with her and told her I really had no idea but I would ask on here. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Sally
good luck to your sis.