
on 7/14/07 2:40 am - Corfu, NY
Just out of curiosity,  I'd like to know if anyone has any regrets about having WLS done??  I know it's kind of an odd question for a board like this but I guess  I'm an odd kind of  person!  *lol*
on 7/14/07 6:31 am - Long Island, NY
Hi There. It is not an odd question at all. In fact I asked the exact same one a few months back. (Unless I'm odd too!) So far, so good for me. I have been relatively fortunate with my physical well - being and have been able to tolerate the foods that I am supposed to eat. No strictures or problems as of yet, thank God. I have lost 50 lbs so far which is pretty good...I think. BUT I am much too newly out to say if I have regrets. It's still fairly easy for me because I'm in what they call the "honeymoon" period. My tummy is still small and probably still healing too. As a result, I don't have that incredible yearning for food that I once had. It makes it a whole lot easier to keep on the right track.  I know that this will change for me as I get further and further out. This is why I am trying to take advantage of the next  months as far as losing weight goes. So the answer to your question is- NO- right now I have no regrets. I'm pretty satisfied. The health benefits have been incredible. My knee pain subsided, my BP is excellent and I no longer smoke. I have been walking about 4-5 miles a day.  GOOD LUCK!!!!! Take Care~~ Diane
donna C.
on 7/14/07 7:59 am - huntington, NY
Great question. As someone going on 5 years post op, who's has had two medical complications from wls, doctor and work drama, I would do it all over in a heart beat. No second thoughts. Donna open rny mar 18 2003 282/144/140
on 7/14/07 11:37 am - Bellport, NY
I have known a total of 11 people who have had WLS. Some, from years ago, when it was not heard of or taboo. Out of those 11, 10 have said that their only regret was that they did not do it sooner. The other one, had the lap band and her regret was not having the gastric bypass. I hope this helps you as it has me. Good Luck!
(deactivated member)
on 7/14/07 8:05 am - Basom, NY
No.  I would do it all over again.  I am only two months post op, but the weight loss I have experienced so far has already changed my life for the better.  My knees don't ache like they did.  My asthma is so much better.(even the hot, humid days are not bothering me)  I have lost 50 lbs. so far.  I haven't felt this good since I was in my early 20's.
on 7/14/07 8:20 am - washingtonville, NY
i suppose i am odd as well.  i posted the same question.  all the responses i got were NO REGRETS.  i am scheduled for surgery aug. 30th.
on 7/14/07 10:20 am - Long Island, NY
Not an ODD question at all I posted the same question on the WLS complications board before my surgery.  This surgery has given me WONDERFUL tool to work with!  wishing you a great journey ~  Hugs, Britt

  Nothing - tastes as good as it feels -to be at my ideal weight :)    
Lap RNY 11-6-06
at goal 10-6-07 - Attacking my regain 2013
                        Mommy to 3 princesses ~ Wife to Paul

     I'm a "before and after" in OH magazine (January / February 2008)

Jen Halliday
on 7/14/07 11:00 am - Elmira, NY
It's not an odd question at all. Feel free to ask all the odd questions you want here! We can take it. I have no regrets. I've also had no compications. Lucky? Maybe. Would I do it again? Absolutely. Is there a reason I couldn't lose weight before, without surgery? Who knows! God does, but I believe He was giving me peace about getting the surgery so I went for it. So far, I've been able to make the changes necessary for making this a way of life for me. You know, some people that have the surgery do not; they go right back to eating "whatever they want." A year or so down the line they start gaining weight back and then they wonder why they feel bad and why the surgery didn't "work for them." Bottom line: Lifestyle change. You will not eat the same and that's okay. The best part about that is that if I had to give up sweets and junk food and cookies and cake to live a longer, better life, then I happily leave them behind me!  No. No regrets. Jen Halliday 

Jen Halliday

"I would rather live my life as if there is a God & die to find out there isn't, than to live my life as if there isn't & die to find out there is!!"

Started this journey at 332 # and now weigh 158! Goal: Maintain & be healthy!

on 7/14/07 11:31 am - Hamilton, NY
NO WAY!!!  I'm an odd kinda person, too!  I love odd and I LOVE MY WLS!  I'd run and I mean run to the hospital if I hadn't had it and the doc called to tell me I would have surgery in an hour!  I'm down 51 pounds in 2 months and LOVING LIFE!  Size 24 to 16 (and some of these are getting big)  I've been divorced for almost 19 years, single 9 years.  I am starting to turning heads!  Not that I've turned mine, yet, but I have only been this happy one other time in my life...April 29, 1986 at 3:17 a.m.  I gave birth to my 9.13 lb son!

Cheri, The Happy Bandster

on 7/14/07 5:52 pm - Jackson Heights, NY
Cheri, That was a nice healthy weight for your son!!  I hope your labor was not that long, although I am sure it's a distant memory now. Sue

You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is. - Ellen DeGeneres


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