"Easy Fix" on Inside Brookhaven Obesity Clinic
Man, Karen! I'm watching it right now(have been for the last 3 hours; INSIDE BROOKHAVEN OBESITY CLINIC I am really angry at the doc for saying it!!!! The show certainly did run me through loads of emotions though. I cried for the patients and wanted to smack Dr. Robert Kolman! If the 26 yo woman hadn't have been talked out of RNY, she might be here today. They talk as many of the patients they can, out of surgery, as you stated, because it's a "quick fix". They should not permit the patients to have delivery to that hospital!!!!
I have to remember to watch the show tomorrow night!
I have to remember to watch the show tomorrow night!
So here we are all watching this show. The director just said that he couldn't fanthom that our stomachs become the size of a grape, as if it stays like that forever. What a jerk!
It is a facinating show; I feel so sorry for the people who have these huge tomors & lymphodemia.
We should all be on speaker phone!
If I hear "quick Fix" one more time on this show I am going to scream. I know we have all worked hard to get where we are and I know most of you look at WLS as I do only a TOOL to help us get healthy and happier but as we all know you can ruin it if it's not taken as a tool. It was not a quick fix it has been a lot of work and a lifelong change where are these prople coming from!
I did watch Big Medicine last week and it is a very different program from this one.
To all of you keep up the good work!!!!
What saddens me is the people that are in the clinic and CHEATING!! What the hell??? You cant walk, or breath but yet you can order pizza?? why are you in that program?? It shows the world that overweight people have NO willpower!
And, anyone the is 700lbs need RNY...not a diet to loase 20lbs a month. It will take them forever to do it and they can not sty in the hospital forever!
~ Lisa ~
The smaller I get, the more visible I become. I'm finally living life that almost passed me by!
Hi all.
I too was watching this show and was getting upset with the quick fix comments. I may have taken this show the wrong way but they can't do surgery on them until they lose the weight. They are all at a very high risk of dying under the anesthesia at the weight they are at.
I can't believe they allow them to order out for Chinese & Pizza!! Isn't that defeating the purpose? They say food is an addiction....would you let someone in rehab smoke crack in there room? No! So what is the difference?
I am so grateful to be hopefully having this surgery, (waiting for approval) because I know where these people are coming from. I'm not nearly as heavy as they are but I think I could be one day if I don't help myself now!!
I too was watching this show and was getting upset with the quick fix comments. I may have taken this show the wrong way but they can't do surgery on them until they lose the weight. They are all at a very high risk of dying under the anesthesia at the weight they are at.
I can't believe they allow them to order out for Chinese & Pizza!! Isn't that defeating the purpose? They say food is an addiction....would you let someone in rehab smoke crack in there room? No! So what is the difference?
I am so grateful to be hopefully having this surgery, (waiting for approval) because I know where these people are coming from. I'm not nearly as heavy as they are but I think I could be one day if I don't help myself now!!