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Hi Cheri. I'm not kidding when I say that my eyes welled up with tears. You look really wonderful, but more importantly is that you feel wonderful too. So between looking at the pictures and hearing "James Blunt's" song, you really did me in. P.S. That's what I kept forgetting to tell you. Whenever I went on your profile and heard "Beautiful", I knew that I liked you!! His songs go right into my soul. ( I have his CD...hope he isn't just a one time hit type of guy.) Good Job~~ Diane
Awwwwwwww, you're making me cry!!!! Thank you so much! I love that song. Every time I think about changing it, I can't! My cell's ring tone is the same some! I love it and him! I agree with you, I hope he keeps putting the songs out! My second choice is Josh Groban singing You lift me up. I can't carry a tune, but when I hear that song...I sing at the top of my lungs!