i never knew it took so long to get arpproved for something... i still have to have my orientation appt and i'm trying not to get too worked up about this because as i've seen here it could take 5 months or more just to really get things going !! i dont know if i can wait that long. i'm like a fire cracker i get all freaked out in the begining then fizzle out if things dont happen fast enough. what can keep me going in between ? do they have support groups for folks hopeing to have the surgery ? signed... starting to fizzle already

Halito folks !
Hi, I'm Jennifer and it took me a year and a month to finally get approved. Hang in there cause I am the same way. If things don't happen quick enough I fizzle out too. Just HANG IN THERE!
It will happen. I am finally going in next Tuesday! I had to fight tooth and nail with my insurance company before they approved me. They kept saying I didn't meet their criteria, (which I did). Just keep going to support group meetings and this board is really amazing. The ppl here are welcoming and have a wealth of information to share.
Welcome and no matter what HANG IN THERE!!!!

SOmetimes it goes fast and sometimes it goes slow. Mine went pretty fast. In the mean time...go over the surgery procedure, diet, recovery time...learn all you can. Clean lots, journal and walk lots!
I also took that time to prep myself on eating habits. I lost weight prior to WLS to get myself ready for my new life. Lots of people do not do that and use it as an excuse to have a few last not sabotage yourself like that.
I would ask your surgeons office if they have support groups. I think that would be a huge help too!
Lots of good thoughts for you and hoping it goes by fast!
(deactivated member)
on 5/30/07 12:26 am - MT
on 5/30/07 12:26 am - MT
Hello starting to fizzle already
Yeah it really does take a while and that is so hard to keep your mind on anything else, I know for me I had to start to write things down so it would not drive me crazy!
I wish you all the best, keep us posted!

(deactivated member)
on 5/30/07 5:33 am - NY
on 5/30/07 5:33 am - NY
For me, I had my orientation/seminar on December 12th. By January 2nd I had my appointment with the surgeon who gave me my list of appointments to go to. I had all of my appointments taken care of within 4 weeks (went crazy scheduling them as close together as possible - would take a day off work and get 3 appointments done in a day). What prolonged things for me was the cardiac clearance and pulmonary clearance because of my sleep apnea diagnosis. Throw in a sleep clinic and a weekend heart monitor and stress test and that will easily tack on another month because of waiting time between appointments, testing & results... It is all a matter of how you space out your appointments, etc... Do you have all of your medical records re: your weight loss attempts? If you don't, it may prolong your waiting period. Get that information together asap if you haven't already. Have all your ducks in a row, so to speak. Feel free to message me if you need any type of help.