Gastric Bypass Drama / Venting
(deactivated member)
on 5/29/07 3:02 am - NY
on 5/29/07 3:02 am - NY
I am so annoyed right now I could scream. My boyfriend, relatives and even the boyfriend's relatives stress me out about eating enough protein. They say that I have to force myself to eat protein - that it is not open for discussion/debate. I am unable to stomach so much food / protein drinks (hate them). They go on and on about how what I say does not matter, that I must force myself. It's easy for them to sit there and tell me what I should be doing. Does it even occur to anyone for a second what it must feel like to be in my shoes? They were even trying to scare me by telling me that I would be bald with hair loss and not lose any weight if I did not take in enough protein. I want to rip my hair out right now - screw waiting for it to fall out. Everyone likes to get up on their soapbox and lecture me/ make me feel bad about myself. I just feel asthough people are setting the stage for another "I told you so" sort of conversation. People just jump on any old f*&king opportunity to shake their head in disapproval... Am I losing my mind here?
I would dump the boyfriend and his family!!!
But seriously... You do what both you and your doctor feel is best. I couldn't eat much the first few weeks and now I can eat plenty (4 months out).
don't listen to those people. Rid yourself of negative people
When my mom gets on my case about stuff like that I just let her have it.
You have to be somewhat selfish at this point.
Sorry, I know that I sound like I'm on my own soapbox now but I've been there and I hear you!
Hang in there!
Hi SL,
Well there are other ways to get protein other than those nasty shakes. I don't know how far long out you are but you should have more protein. You can lose some of your hair, I never heard of anyone going bald. LOL It is temporary hair loss anyways. I was told that the Ensure Whey powder (unflavored) is a great source of Protein mixed with your favorite Crystal Light. I'm told you can't even taste it. I plan on trying my first week post op.
I too would dump the boyfriend & much drama & stress to deal with. Your bf should be supporting you and sticking up for you! I would tell them I did have my protein just to shut them up! LOl
Good Luck!!

Well there are other ways to get protein other than those nasty shakes. I don't know how far long out you are but you should have more protein. You can lose some of your hair, I never heard of anyone going bald. LOL It is temporary hair loss anyways. I was told that the Ensure Whey powder (unflavored) is a great source of Protein mixed with your favorite Crystal Light. I'm told you can't even taste it. I plan on trying my first week post op.
I too would dump the boyfriend & much drama & stress to deal with. Your bf should be supporting you and sticking up for you! I would tell them I did have my protein just to shut them up! LOl
Good Luck!!

(deactivated member)
on 5/29/07 3:59 am - NY
on 5/29/07 3:59 am - NY
Thanks, Debi... I have ordered the unjury samples - hope that these are easy to get down. I am about five weeks out and can get down some red meat, eggs, cheese... Even had turkey last night (great source of protein). Granted, I am not eating a mountain of food... I just think that people like having a reason to bug the crap out of me... Thanks for your kindness.
you are NOT losing your mind.. if they have not gone thru this surgery they know nothing...first call your dr. , ask him/her questions..then when you get the answer go tell everyone your DR. has it under control and while thier thoughts/concers are apprecitaed they need to buzz off as they are stressing you out and making things worse..good luck to you

If they are not supporting you in the manner to which you need to be supported have you told them that? Stop spending so much time with people who are not helping you. You know that you have to get in upwards of 60 grams of protein per day, if you aren't doing that you need to examine how to make that happen, ask the nutritionist they are usually pretty good with that stuff!
I don't think anyone goes bald but you will suffer hair loss, muscle loss, your nails will be weak and or brittle, not fun but also not permanent! The hair loss is pretty traumatic when it first happens and comes out by the handful.
I don't think you are losing your mind i do however question why you are spending so much time with people who are not giving you what you need.