i need your input - PLEASE
thanks for responding sheila. i have my clearances done. hoping the office will submit to my insurance this week. no idea how long it takes to get a surgery date. not sure where the dr. is scheduling right now. i will keep you posted. ps. i have a pup too. when he gets out i make the kids get him lol don't wanna get a black eye from my boobs runnin down the street. lol

Duodenal Switch/Lap -- Drs. Alfons Pomp & Michel Gagner - New York City
4/4/05: 265 lbs/BMI: 45.6
4/11/05: 256 lbs/BMI: 43.9 (date of surgery)
7/27/08: Gallbladder Removed

Hi Elizabeth!
My name is Lila. I'm 40 and had my roux-en-y just three weeks ago today. You and I - we had a lot of the same worries, so here's my first post as a member of this site, and I hope I don't screw it up.
My sister, who is two years younger than me, had the same surgery eight years ago, and frankly, messed it up as much as possible - she got pregnant three months after the surgery. She'd been cut all the way - not laproscopic like me - and had all kinds of problems. Thing is, I knew all about that going in, and for six years I pursued this surgery. I knew what all the complications (she's on B-12 pills for the rest of her life, and has bouts of being anemic) outcomes could be, and all the dangers, and the fact is, to be able to walk again, it is worth the chance. My WLS was on May 7th, and so now it has been three weeks and I can tell you I'd sure as heck do it all over again. And I am NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT a person who can stand pain, so when I tell you it was not terribly bad, I am so very not kidding! I did my research, chose a doctor for his skills - and since his office is over an hour one way from me, I did some serious driving to make sure that this doctor, with over two thousand bariatric surgeries under his belt, was the one for me. Secondly, I wanted to tell you how I feel. Unlike many, I didn't barf much until just recently - which is when I drink too much water - and up it comes again. I am not hungry often - thirsty yes, but not hungry, and I hope you don't stop reading now ---- I eat three ounces of something and I'm stuffed! It's like back when I was a kid, you sat down to eat Thanksgiving dinner and at the end you're going MAN that was good but I can hardly move!!! No kidding. It's a part of life I was not really expecting - I actually remember my sister was always eating, -- I mean, we have to get enough protein into our bodies, so the yogurts and protein shakes always seemed to be in her hand. But the fact is I have to make myself eat ----- I get lost reading a book and then start something with my daughter and before I know it, six hours went by and I'm worrying because I have to get protein into me. I take chewable vitamins (Flintstones) and I keep putting protein into me. To be honest though, the nurse said I'm to have 45 to 65 grams of protein per day and I can't shove that much in me yet. I've yet to hit the 45 grams. What's funny to me is that I've found my issue to be food - I want to chew something! I'm not hungry - I just want something I have to chew. So I eat turkey - at my one week checkup I was told I'm allowed mashed potatoes, pureed canned vegies, and turkey or chicken, so long as I pureed it. Oatmeal, too ------------ and of course the yogurts, sugarfree puddings, sugarfree popcicles and protein shakes. Believe me, you SO won't be hungry. It is not like any other tool - this one works, and I'll let you know how it works for me.