why are people so cruel?
Oh Alexandra! I'm so sorry you had to endure that! People like that are as stupid as they are cruel. That is the only explanation for such unacceptable behavior. And the sad thing is, stupid people attract more stupid people, so they usually are not alone. Be strong and of good faith, dear girl. You are on the path to recovery. no one, NO ONE deserves this treatment, and I truly have found that what goes around comes around and they will get their just rewards eventually. Just don't sink to their level and di**** back. You are better than that and they don't deserve your tears.
It is their ignorance and shallowness that obviously won't get them vary far in life. :-@
I have had boyfriends call me a 747 widebody when I was an 8. Another to make a comment when I started a new job that I worked so hard to land-that he wanted me to be a size 4 after I purchased all of my new clothes for my job. We all have different stories. We are here to support you. To remind you that you are a beautiful human being. Those cruel people will be punished by continueing to be who they are-shallow!
(deactivated member)
on 5/21/07 5:59 am - MT
on 5/21/07 5:59 am - MT
What is wrong with people!!!
They can be so mean and cruel! You know I try to have pity for those people that judge so harshly, it must be so hard to go through life so perfect!!!
OK that was sarcastic but you know what I mean, do not let ingnorance make you feel so bad! Karma will come back and they will get theirs soon enough.
Hun I am so sorry you had to go through that! I know the feelings and it sure does not feel good but know you are loved by many!!!!
Debra P

So sorry to hear this happened to you, sweetie. At this stage in my life, I would have turned to them and called them something, worse. I have NO tolerance for intolerance or disrespect! You keep up that positive attitude...remember the saying from our younger days...sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. I know it's hard to do, but let their immature, nasty nature roll off, as hard as it it!
people who do that look in the mirror and hate themselves ! were they skinny zit faced lil boys who couldnt get a date if dad paid for it ? they feel like loosers themselves so they HAVE to take it out on you so they feel full.. listen to the man who loves you and listen to yoursefl and that is ALL that you should listen to. best of luck to you

What a bunch of idiots! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I wish I could go punch them out for you! Seriously, we love you, your fiance loves you, and hopefully, YOU love you. If you don't feel like you do, go look in the mirror and say "I am a beautiful person, and I love myself" over and over again. That little bunch of **** ants don't deserve to take up any more space in your head!
Hello Alexandra,
I had a bully come after me about 5 years ago. He sued me and it cost me my career and nearly my home. I'm still hanging on to my home (by a thread) but the ******* dropped dead of pancreatic cancer 2 short years after he started his litigation against me at the tender age of only 47!! I could not be happier to know he is now burning in hell because he was exactly the mean ugly person I always believed him to be. In the meantime, I'm 7 months post-op, down 90 lbs and feeling better than I have in a long time. God is good but sometimes life ain't. Chin up and know that you are a beautiful person just for having the courage to be true to yourself!! Bully's push people around so they can feel better about themselves. The people who teased you probably have teenie weenies!! and couldn't get a beautiful person like you in their lives if they wanted them. Keep smilin'.