Now I have to have open RNY

My point Sheila, is, do some serious deep thinking within yourself and get that desperate feeling you (we all) have/had, away from your soul. If you're desperate, you're not thinking straight. And with surgeries such as these, and the lifestyles afterward, we can't afford to be all Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh......mistakes are made when things aren't thought through well enough. Understand that I am in NO way undermining your very understandable emotions, I'd just like to see you less desperate. You're such a nice person, and I feel your fears, and I don't want you to have to have those fears. I invite you to vent on me if you'd like. I've done more than "vent" to many others, and they all still stood by me. I'm here, you know where I am. I don't have the answers, but I can empathize and be a sounding board. Or maybe even help you, huh? Please keep in touch...
Crazy Polly
PLEASE don't take this the wrong way but I would NEVER have open unless it was medically necessary. Granted: any Lap can turn into an Open....but to pick it by default? Nope.
What not find a new group????
My Mom had open. She has a long scar and the healing was worse, as was the pain.
Think this through before agreeing to an Open!

I just had open RNY with Dr. Carauna last Wednesday. I went with him because open was the only way I wanted the procedure done. I am so glad that I chose the open. He was able to get a good look at my gallbladder and it was nasty and had to be removed. I worken in a surgery dept for 2 years our people who had procedures open very rarely ever went back to surgery for complications, but our lap patients went back much more frequently (gallbladder, hernia, ect........ done lap). Dr. Caurauna was great. I had the procedure done on Wed at 10:30am. Had the drains (I had two because of the gallbladder being removed) Friday am and was suppose to stay until Sat am but was doing so great that they sent me home Friday afternoon at 3pm. The incision is about 6 in long but not horrible looking. I have worn pants. Honestly I have more problem with my bra near the incision site because I am so heavy on top and sag so much. The pants don't even come close to touching the incision. I go on Tues to have my staples out and will return to my desk job the following day. Out of work for 2 weeks. Not bad at all. I can't believe that Dr. Panamanglor is leaving. He just started there. I have a friend scheduled to have lap by him the first week of June. Had no idea he wasn't sticking around. I would recommend Dr. C very highly. Things went like clockwork for both me and my daughter who had her surgery by him the 29th of March. She also had the open with not one single complication. The man knows what he is doing. For me the decision to have open was a personal one due to my personal experience working in the healthcare field. Everyone thought I was crazy because I wanted open. I was at Lowes and Walmart shopping on Sunday. Best of luck to you. Sally
Good Luck, and Stay in Touch with OH.