on 5/21/07 4:08 am - Bflo, NY
All this time of testing and appts.....I was just informed today that my Dr is no longer practicing @ Synergy or any where else for that matter (right now anyways)! I was to get Lap RNY with Dr Panamnglore. Now my options are to either wait and see if he opens his own practice (no not waiting any longer) or to go with Dr Caruana. I don't have aproblem with Dr Carauna, I have a problem with having it done Open. I have heard that Open takes longer to heal which means the longer I will be out of work. I am single and support myself...I can't afford to be off work for 3 weeks! If I go through another Dr (Posner) that would mean a surgery date not until Sept or later. So I guess my only choice is to go with Dr Caruana. I meet with him Tuesday. Debi
on 5/21/07 4:14 am - brooklyn, NY
Omg wow thats horrible ...he sould have atleast let his patients know what was going on.. I know how u feel about having it done open i feel the same way. Myabe his old office knows whats going on! they have to know something. Well good luck i hope something works out for you .. xoxoxox Alexandra
on 5/21/07 4:46 am - Schenectady, NY
Dr Caruna won't do LAP??? Well that stinks! Sorry babs. Isn't there somewhere else in your area that you could consider? If you're not comfortable with that surgery or that surgeon, why settle? You deserve better. *KISSES*
on 5/21/07 5:17 am - Bflo, NY
No Dr C doesn't do LAP. It;s not that I don't like him...I'm more worried about the recovery time. Debi
on 5/21/07 5:55 am - Lockport, NY
Debi, are you sure he doesn't do it lap? My friends had it done by Dr.Caruana lap and one was as recent as January 07...Good luck! Hugs Chris
on 5/21/07 6:37 am - Bflo, NY
Chris, I was told he didn't do LAP by the women in his office and by other people who have had it Open by Dr C. Dr Panamanglore worked out of his office (Synergy). Are you sure she didn't have Dr P as her Dr? I don't know, all I know is that I am really ticked! I just have to go with the flow I guess. Thanks to all for the kind words...I just needed to vent!! Debi
on 5/21/07 5:53 am - BUFFALO, NY
Don't feel so bad I am a patient who had surgery with Dr.Panamanglore in March and until reading this post didn't know he was gone! I just had an appt last week and they didn't mention anything!! HOW RUDE!!! Bethany
(deactivated member)
on 5/21/07 5:54 am - MT
Debi, I know this is so upsetting hun ~Hugs~ Hang in there and see how this turns out, for what ever reason this is happening means something other is working so go with it and see what comes your way. Is there anyone else you can look into having this surgery with so you can have it done Lap? I know the recovery is shorter for sure and I also know it is hard when you are your sole supporter! Keep us posted hun and hang in there! Debra P
Lori L.
on 5/22/07 11:32 am - Lexington, KY
Sorry to hear a run of bad luck with your MD.  I am having my surgery with Dr. Forbes.  she is an associate of Dr. Posner.  Talk to the girls in the office tell them what happened and what all you have been through for this surgery.  can you get your recors from the old MD?   I started my journey the end of January and have a surgery date of June 12th. I also have had the best going over of my whole life.  Let me know how you are doing.  Lori L
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