Quitting smoking?
Hi all!
I was just curious.....
anyone still smoke up until there day of surgery? I am having a terrible time trying to quit!!!! I had surgery back in 97, (disk fusion) and I still smoked then. I remember coming out ouf anestesia (spelled wrong...lol) gasping for hair and feeling like I was going to die! The nurse was standing right there and all I could think was why is this women not giving me oxygen??? She chuckled and said, " oh sweetie that's because you are a smoker". What seemed to last like for ever, I am sure was probably less than a minute...but I really don't want to feel like that again! I have smoked for over 25 yrs...
I know I need to quit....I know I want to quit....but its so HARD!!! I just finished the patch (didn't work). Now I am taking medication and that is not working either!!
Any suggestions?

Debi, I too smoked for 25 years, then I used Zyban and hypnosis to quit about 7 years ago. That lasted 5 years, then I went gambling and took it up again for 2 years, but before my surgery my PCP prescribed Chantix......it is a new drug for quitting smoking. I quit in December of 2006. Ask your doctor or check it out online and see if it's right for you.
Good Luck
I smoked for 12 years before my surgery. My surgeon basically said, if you don't quit, I won't do the surgery. He won't operate on a smoker. So, I picked a date, last April 1, and that was my quit date. I needed this surgery more than anything. So away they went. I am just over a year smoke free, and it is very hard right now to not pick one up. Good luck, it's not easy

Hey hun! I cut down, way down, before surgery. Maybe 2-3 smokes a day. The day before surgery I didn't smoke than of course when your in the hospital you can't light one up SOOOO if you stop the day before that will give you 3 days with no nicotine in your system and trust me when you are home and try to smoke it will taste like...well ya know! Good luck!
Deb, hi
I never smoked. but I could just only imagaine how hard it would be to quit. my dad is trying to quit and he uses the patch. my addiction is diet coke an frenchfries both which I have to quit. I hope I can do it. I wish you luck I know it is gonna be hard buy YOU CAN DO IT!!!! You are worth it.
Sorry not a smoker ever here but wanted to wish you luck. I know its got to be very difficult. However not only is it important to quit for the surgery but after also. You dont want to compromise your new pouch with any kinds of ulcers or any complications...just wanted you to know im pulling for you.
THERE is a new medication out that some insurances are paying for others arent...
called CHANTIX...
I am hearing really good things about this med to quit smokeing.
I would see your family doctor can prescribe this for you.
I heard you just start takeing the medication along with smokeing
and somewhere around 10 days you just stop.......
I dont know the details...
and i been smoke free for over 8 years now
but i am trying to get my hubby to try this med
for himself.
I feel if the insurance dont pay its still well worth the 100 dollars
because SMOKES arent cheap either!
some surgeons require you to be smoke free 3 months before surgery...
not sure what yours requires....