Plastic Surgery
I had my bypass 12-8-05 and I have lost 218 pounds and went to see a plastic surgeon and we submitted to my insurance company, Aetna for covererage. I was denied twice. I contacted and they filed all my appeal documents to NYState and got Aetnas denial overturned. Saved me $12,500.00+
(deactivated member)
on 5/18/07 9:23 pm - MT
on 5/18/07 9:23 pm - MT
WOW that is a great savings for you for sure!!!
Also congrats on losing the 218 lbs WOW
What are you trying to get covered by the Ins? I am just starting to look into getting mine done next year so any info helps.
Debra P

The first surgery is going to cut from the breast bone to below the navel and then from side to side or all around. They pull down and pull across the front. Then the next surgery will be the thighs and maybe my arms. The Surgeons have learned a lot since they see a lot more bariatric patients then they use too. Find a surgeon you're comfotable with and see what happens. Insurance Companies will deny deny deny. So you may have to take the road I took. Good Luck
WOW ! 218 pounds , thats amazing.. some poeple think it was probably easy for you because you had surgery , but they have no idea how much work you had to put into it.. congrats to you... i am VERY worried my ins company wont cover plastic surgery after i get rid of the weight... i'm hopeing to get rid of 180-200 pounds myself , and as bad as i look now i know afterwards i am going to look hidious. i dont want to go through getting rid of the weight to just end up beyond depressed because of all of the skin thats left.. i havent had the surgery yet and what's to come is the only thing holding me back right now. best of luck to you !

Don't let this issue keep you from having the surgery. You'll regret it. Having the surgery was the best thing I have ever done. The worst thing is that would have to pay for the plastice surgery yourself. And as far as what people think if I took the easy way out and had the surgery are cluless about everything. Smile, feel good about taking this step and you won't regret it for a second once see see the weight come off. Most important is to listen to what your surgeon and staff tell you to do.