Hi Friends.
Well the weekend is here again. It sure comes around fast. What are everyone's plans...if any?
I KNOW ONE THING THAT I'm doing which is what happens EVERY WEEKEND.
Hubby developed a new hobby over the past year which is really starting to get to me. He goes through the real estate section and checks off open houses to go to for Sat. or Sun. Ask me if I'm moving? Uh.......dunno. "He's just curious."
It's become his little obsession.
Luckily, he goes without me and if something really grabs him then he'll return to take me back with him. It's a riot. All the agents know him on a first name basis.
Other than that - I really have to work on the garden and also get the Mother's Day plants in the ground.
So no big plans here. (((PS...........OH..........AND EXERCISE TOO.)))
What about you?

Just a quiet weekend at home....want to go and see Shrek the 3rd with my daughter, but she made other plans to go to the races with her friend for her birthday...I might just take my little guy and go anyway, I love Shrek....
I don't blame your hubby, I am always curious to see what other folks houses look like, get ideas etc....
Enjoy your planting, hope it warms up some for you.
God Bless,
I don't have any big plans. Tonight I have a date (keep your fingers crossed!!!!)Saturday I try to accomplish everything that I haven't done during the week, and this Sunday I'll be spending time with my daughter and grandaughter. I really look forward to spending time with them.
Well, enjoy your weekend and happy gardening.
(deactivated member)
on 5/18/07 3:02 am - MT
on 5/18/07 3:02 am - MT
Well good Friday to you hun
Hubby and I are having 4 friends over the weekend staying with us and we were going to do some motorcycle riding but I think the weather is not going to be good for that so I guess they will just come from LI in the car.
But it will be good to see them anyways.
Also working on getting some wood split at some point this weekend. Of course then the cleaning and normal weekend stuff.
Take care and have a great weekend ALL 
Debra P

Hi there.....
Birthday party here in about an hour and a half.... Little men are 4 years old and 5 years old a couple of weeks apart so i can still do one party thank God....
Baseball games for my 15yr old son, Softball games for my 12 year old daughter...and park park and park if the weather allows.
I would really like to go see shrek as well. Have to see how much money i spend on the party at mcdonalds tonight first lol....
Have a great weekend everyone.
Let's see...Sat. my dd and I are going to a Silent Lunch- all signing, no vicing. Then we're picking up pne of her little friends for the weekend and if the rain holds off, planning to meet Collette (momsgrouchy) and Chelle at a nearby park to let our kidsters burn off some energy and chat awhile.
Sunday- church and then staying home! I need to go through our summer clothes tubs and put away wiinter stuff as DD and I re flying to NC to visit a Deaf school mid-week. Airplane seatbelt extenders...ugh, that blows! But hopefully will be the last time I have to use them.
Monday...calling the doctor's to see if they've heard anything at all from the insurance company yet.
I'm in my office this morning (Sat.) catching up on some stuff then I will go shopping for some t-shirts and other stuff. I am taking off during the week for working today.
Tomorrow, Sun. I am doing the Aids Walk in Central Park. I already raised $500 and I am trying to get a bit more. My 16 year old son is walking with me and my older son will meet us there. He is walking with his college team and has walked the past 3 years. So I am looking forward to it. When we finish the walk, my younger son and I are going to Astoria (our old home town) for a small street fair.
The walking is pretty much my exercise.