You know Guys? I'm pretty disheartened. While walking today for my daily exercise I lost my footing and fell belly first flat on the ground. My knees and elbows are bruised but fortunately I wasn't hurt at all - I'm fine.
(Come to think of it - it must have been SOME sight!)LOL
Do you know that not one car stopped to help me or at least rolled down their window to ask if I was alright?
My feelings are so hurt because I KNOW from experience that I have come to people's aid. I am taking it very personally for some reason - a little too much.
All of these things run through your head such as if I was a size 6 with gorgeous blonde hair...would the cars be lined up on the road to help me?
It really disturbs me how so far removed some people have become to other's needs.
I'm going to let it go and just think that they were too into the I Pod music or that they were blabbing on their cell phone to notice me.
If everyone, everyday made a kind gesture to our fellow man what a different world it would be. It doesn't even have to be much - even holding a door or smiling at the clerk.
"We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love."
Mother Theresa
Take Care~~

I'm glad you are not seriously injured!!! Please don't give another thought to those people who passed you by. I pity them for having such a cold heart. You are a caring person, thank God you have the kind of heart you do; and be greatful that you are NOT like those people! It is inexcusable to see someone fall and not pull stop to make sure they are alright. I would not want to be that type of person. Keep on with your small gestures---because I can guarrantee to some people they aren't SMALL at all!!! People pass into our lives at any given time for a reason; and often we do not realize the differenc a random act of kindness makes in someone's day.
Alright....Get me off the soapbox NOW!!!!
Diane...oh sweets. I swear I would of stopped. I wish the world was not so wrapped up in their own ignorance to see a fellow human in need. I do tons of things to help others because it is in my being to do so. I love helping and giving. I love this song from Nickleback...called if everyone cared...it fits right in with this topic. (((HUGS))) and OH SO PROUD that you got out and went walking!!
Hi Diane,
I'm so sorry to hear about your fall and glad that you are okay. I can totally understand where you are coming from, and I definitely see a difference in how people react to me since I lost weight. It really bothers me at times, because people judge by what we look like and not what is inside.
I agree with you about the kind gesture, what a better place this world would be if people would be a little nicer.
Take care of yourself and just remember you are a very special person.
(long post--sorry)
Hi Diane.
I so know what you're talking about--when I go out with someone from my office, she gets the whistles & remarks (we work in NYC.) She's also 20+ years younger than I am. However, when I trip or fall (too often) some people do come to my aid, so I hope that when they dodn't, it's because they were too wrapped up in their own world, phones, ipods, blackberries, etc. Last time I fell it was down the subway stairs & cut my hand open. Then some people did stop--the rest just climbed right over me!
On a totally different note, one time I was entering onto the Southern State Parkway, and I could tell from the upper road before I got on to merge that a dog was about to be hit. I quickly pulled over, but before I could get to her, she was indeed hit & on the side of the road. I was bending down to pick her up, and ANOTHER car ran over her paw. At least 300 cars whizzed right by before one person stopped to help. We called the police, about 30 minutes later a sympathetic off-duty EMT took her to her vet (the # was on her tag) and she recovered! I found out later that some people who did indeed pass by had called 911 because they thought a person was under the blanket I had wrapped the dog in.
Back to the people falling situation, a colleague and I had a meeting with an overweight vendor. After she left, I said to my colleague "boy, she's heavy too, but I wish I knew how to dress as nicely as she does." My colleague replied, "Karen, I didn't even notice her weight, and I never notice yours."
Sorry for this long post, but it really hit a note with me, and of course, I too am glad you're okay. (hope you don't mind the dog story, it just had to do with people not stopping for anything--unless of course there's a horrible car accident, then EVERYONE stops to look!)