Ok, so I'm almost 48 and had not seen SHREK I yet.
It was on tv last night, NBC at 8 pm. One of the first songs in the movie was ALL STAR by SMASH MOUTH. I used to love this song and now I know why. It cracked me up and stuck in my mind all night, because the 2nd line is the song is what I woke up singing today:
She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
In the shape of an "L" on her forehead
If you remember, making that sign on your forehead means LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Remember Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble belonged to a club called the WATER BUFFALOS? The Grand Poo-Bah. They had this hand shake of the brotherhood.
I can see those of us who are both pre-opers and post-opers at a gathering greeting each other with the "L" on the forehead as our "handshake". LOL
This is the chorus of ALL STAR:
So much to do so much to see
So what's wrong with taking the back streets
You'll never know if you don't go
You'll never shine if you don't glow
My interpretation of this is chorus piece is what I know I have done. I strayed off the main streets in my life (eating to excess, no exercise). I do believe it has made me a stronger person to have walked down these back streets. What's the saying, "what doesn't kill ya, makes ya stronger?. Well, I am stronger woman emotionally, spiritually and now on the path of being stronger physically.
I have always had a song in my step, but with my face hung towards the sidewalk no one heard it. Well, my head is now high and my song will be heard!
I love you guys! "L"osers and soon to be "L"osers!!!!!!!
HAPPY MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

big salute of the "L" on the forehead to you my friend.....Hows it going ? feeling ok ?? Long BUSY week end of baseball for me... I am a single mom too and my son plays high school ball...He pitched against our rivalary tream Friday night AND THEY WON.... YEAHHHHHHHHH !!! and played another game Saturday morning and WON ( can you say they are on a high ??) ...Sunday he umpired 2 little league games and I GOT to mow the yard for mothers day..
.....what the heck....awwwwww its all good i like the excercise and lord knows just smelling those hot dogs at all these baseball games is making me
....been a while since i had one.....Any who its Monday and back to work....Hope your feeling FINE !!!

Congrats on all the wins!!!
How wonderful for him and the team. I miss my son playing ball
He played baseball, football, basketball, sang in the chorus and a capello group, was in the plays and more...when he went to college 3 yrs all ended! Now, he coaches while going to college...both football and baseball at the local high school. The HS has paid for his CPR/AED certification, along with his football and baseball certifications! They've offered to pay for his basketball coaching certification, too! He will have a great resume!
I am feeling great! I think the smell would have killed me! LOL

WOW.....sounds like your son has done GREAT....My hats off to you MOM for a job well done.....My son plays baseball...umpires in the summer , football in the fall and wrestling in the winter......i have 2 more years then i will be COMPLETELY lost wth out him when he goes to college....Everyone tells me that any ways...
i say my life will begin...At least i am healthy NOW...... And now my sons weighs more than me by alot !! lol...i can ride bike and run with him...He loves it !!! Hes gotten use to the attention put on me by my weight loss and never fails to defend me if someone pipes up with " your mom took the easy way out of losing weight".....He is quick to rattle off what happens if i drink even water to fast "
".....or that i can NOT tollerate sugar or i
OR i end of in the
with fried food..............
....maybe to much information for some but he gets defensive.....LOL................Keep on keeping on Cheri...drink drink drink....the view on the loosers bench is kinda nice eh ?..

Thank you, you too!
My best friend of 33 yrs
basically tells me I took the easy way out. I did great with WW and CURVES, but always yo-yo when I get bored. She's 5' and only needed to lose 20 - 30. Which she has and looks great in her size 10s. I need to lose over 100, so I took the right way for me!
I try to just sip, not gulp...would hate to plug my

Well Cheri i tell ya what....i am 5'1 maybe on a good day...
and a size 10 is over what a 5' women should weigh. Sooooo a size 10 for her is on the larger size...Dont you worry none....You will be in the single diget sizes and LOVEN it...People are gonna judge ya be prepared i have lost some friendships over this surgery BUTTTTT the ones i have GAINED because i have gotten healther is MUCH better.....
oh lord don't get your portal plugged... tell me about these fills...i am a RNY'er ....they sound kinda scary.....