Post Your Non-Scale Goals!
I don't know about you all, but there was a time in my life when I totally obsessed about the numbers on the scale, sacrificing valuable family time and relationships because of how those numbers read every day. Never again. My goal wt. is an arbitrary number. The way I feel and look will be the real indicator of my health and well-being this time around. Anyone else out there feel the same?
Let's post those non-numeric goals we have that will tell us we are making great strides toward better health! Here's a few of mine:
Able to apply toenail polish while clothed! (currently, waistband chokes the life out of me!)
Able to sit comfortably in a movie theater!
Able to shop in the regular sizes!
Able to look at my reflection when I enter a store instead of hagin my head to avoid it!
1 - To get up from the floor without having to roll over and frantically look for something to lean on to hoist myself up.
2 - To maybe have enough confidence in my appearance that I can finally take a family photo...something that we never did because I hated all my photos.
3 - Be more spontaneous when invited out because I'll have more of a selection of clothes and hopefully will feel better about myself. In the past, we missed a lot of fun things because I could never find the right thing to wear. I would lay on top of all my clothes strewn all over the bed and hated everything that I tried on. It took hours and then it was too late to go anywhere. Pathetic, huh?

All of the goals posted, other than the running, would be my goals.
It's been quite an ordeal trying to paint the tootsies when bending over in a chair would take your breath away!
Not that I complain about a pedicure...
Even the extra large bath towels don't fit.
What movie theater?
Oh yeah, the one I'l be sitting in this summer!
I tossed my scale about 4 yrs ago...couldn't bear the site!
I plan on getting one. I see the Healthometer has one with body fat!
I can't wait to go out in public again and be the social flutter by I once was!!! I have secluded myself due to being embarrassed. I guess that's another goal I have!
Thanks for this post!!!!