Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I'm sittin on the bench!!!
Hi All!!! I came home yesterday morn, about 10:30. I'm doing great!
Here's my story:
The day before surgery, I received a call from the hospital telling me surgery was moved from 10 to 9, be there at 7:30. I called my dad to tell him. There's a lot of construction, so he decided to pick me up around 6.
Well, we never hit construction that early, so arrived at the hospital about 6:45!!!
I was taken to my surgery floor, given my gown and those sexy thigh highs (almost brought them home!). My IV was put in, along with a shot of heperin (sp) to my tummy to thin my blood. I was visited by my doc, nurses and the anesthesiologist. At about 9:40, ug, yeah, 40 minutes past my surgery time, a surgical nurse came in and said that whoever was supposed to order small lap bands to replenish those that were used, didn't order them. Someone would be going a few blocks to the medical supply building to get some. Well, now about 10, the same nurse comes in and says that there aren't any there. Someone will have to go to Utica, which is 45 minutes to an hour away, without construction. A little while later she comes back in and tells me they are going to take the next surgical patient in. It's a 2 hour procedure. I understand, not wanting everything to be backed up. At 12ish she comes back in to tell me that they have just made the incisions, it will be 2 more hours. At this point I'm thinking this is a bad omen! (sip sip sip on my protein) I was finally taken in at about 2 pm. My father stayed as did a women from home/my support group. I was in recovery about 2 hours and taken to my room at about 5. Man, those balloony things they put on your lower legs were annoying! They are to assist in the circulation and prevent clotting. At 6, I was still out of it, so told my dad to go home. At about 7, a resident came in and told me I was going to be d/c. I told him my ride left, so I'll be staying at the hotel overnight.
LOL I'm really glad I did!!! I was able to get a back rub! Every 2 hours they came in for vitals, so I made them walk with me. Closer to morning I was walking alone, probably annoying other patients! One thing that really helped with the terrible gas pains was to sleep on either side. The midnight nurse told me this would help. I didn't feel my incisions, it was just the gas, up under my ribcage in the back and some in the front.
I came home and relaxed in the AC most of the day. My son and his g/f called to tell me they were coming home for a few days. They brought me a gorgeous bouquet of daisies, my fav flowers!
Still trying to get rid of this gas, though the pain has subsided. I guess I wasn't meant to get rid of it the normal ways...lol A g/f of mine is a PA, she told me to drink hot tea. I guess I need to start that.
Today my stpmom is going to come visit. I plan on walking the block with my son and his g/f a little later.
So, I'm home, doing great! Ready to get back to work on Monday if I can!!! If someone were to ask me if I would do it again...YOU BET I WOULD!!!!
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I'm a loser baby!

I'll definitely be working on the fluids! I've found that the protein is helping with the gas issue! LOL
Here is the link to the proteins I found or have tried:
I have to add a 1/2 packet of the crystal light to the vanilla in order to tolerate it...
Thank you for your support!!!

Cheri.........so glad your doing well !! Back to work on Monday
NO WAYYYYY ....really ??? I did not have the lap band but with the RNY my surgeon wanted me out 30 days of work....( and i am a school socical worker )....i stayed out 21 days and went back since i convinced him all i did was TALK for a living....
Glad your feeling well and keep on DRINKING fluids....do you have a good protein drink ? ok ya ready ? i still drink 1 EVERY morning........I LOVE MINE....and i mix mine with water and no fruit i just got use to it and have one every morning for breakfast.........keep us posted on your progress......So how you liking this loosers bench?

I'm a social worker too!
I work with juvenile delinquents!
Wait, I'm one of those...LOL I will probably stay out until I see the doc, just 'cause! I am actually liking the ATKINS strawberry crushed with ice about the best so far. It's a little sweet, but no soy!
It's 15 grams or protein, so I'll probably do 1/2 of my 42 gram bullet as well. My doc wants me to get 16 - 24 grams in each day and a total of 64 fluid ozs in. I can do that!
I'm lovin this bench! And no Splinters!!!
sip sip sip!

I knew i liked you right off.....and being a fellow social worker heck that just adds to the friendship........NOW since i have almost 1 1/2 years on this loosers bench iam gonna offer you some advice...lol .....
Seriously...keep up the fluids FIRST and protein second..........those 2 things are PRIORITY.........ANDDDDD take your vitimins !!!!! those three things and your golden...excercise will come in time worry about hydration and nutrition FIRST.............So......isnt the view on this loosers bench just terrific...? I gotta share this ....last night at my sons baseball game i was EATING...yep believe that i was EATING........a piece of susage....with peppers and onions....NO roll....just plain susage and a small piece at that........Any ways this women walks up to me and says..." Look at you all skinny and you eat "........
i said.......yeah i use the ladies room too...LOL..oh your gonna have enough stories to write a book with this journey....stay in touch.....

hehehe!!! Yes it does!!!
Good, I'm glad you said that. I was thinking I needed to focus more on total fluids as well! I have to get vitamins. Mine were the horse pills...lol What do you take?
Well, my son weed whacked and mowed the law...I raked! It's only a very small piece out front. I feel good! And I BURPED!!!!! YAY!!!!!
Oh my, I can't wait to get to that point. I'm not a big bread eater, so won't miss the roll either!
LOL @ the ladies room

First on the vitimins....my doc in Rochester has a standard line of what he wants you to take....1 .......Calcium ...... now i use the chew able sugar free kind....2 a day...
2. .....iron i take flortrin 2 a day
3.......2 multivitimins daily ....and my blood work came back PERFECT !!!! SInce us RNY's mal absorb.....we take 2 of every thing.........Let me tell ya in 18 months i have not so much as had a donut...piece of bread......pizza......or a cookie....and people STILL watch me eat......lol........