What's Up In My Neck Of The Woods.
Hi Everyone.
I have been doing really well and have been tolerating food as well. Everything seems to agree with my tummy - not sure if that is good or bad. LOL
My new healthy way of living is being done by the book because that's the way it has to be since March 19th.
I am deathly afraid of the scale ... I mean petrified. Maybe it's because when I was on a legit diet (I hate that word now) I would end up being horrified because the numbers on the scale didn't reflect my hard work. That would send me into a tailspin of self pity and a couple of "what the heck" chocolate bars.
I have decided to just check once a month which must seem crazy to most of you.
My last weight was 25 lbs. Although I am very happy with that, compared to others , I am a slow loser. ( yes I know not to compare - but sometimes it's hard not to.)I can tell my progress by the way my clothes fit.
As long as it comes off - that's what I care about. The health benefits are already incredible. I have much more stamina than I used to and the pain in my knee and leg are disappearing.
No more huffing and puffing on the long hilly walks. It's very exciting.
I am walking everyday with my pupster anywhere from 2 - 3 miles a day and started lifting light weights.
There are a couple of celebrations coming up and even though I am no where near where I'd like to be, At Least I Won't Be Bigger! That's a nice feeling.
Well that's what is happening in my neck of the woods.

You're doing awesome!!!! And you're totally right, we all lose at different paces, so don't let it get you down. I can't wait to see - 25!!!! The best part is you can feel the difference when you walk!!!!
You're well on your way to a healthier, more fit you!
I don't even own a scale! I tossed it about 4 yrs ago. I just kept getting more and more frustrated when I stepped on it.
Keep up the good work!!

Finally...somebody who speaks my language! I am almost 13 months out from surgery and until recently I wouldn't weigh myself until I was at my doctor's office. When I went to weigh myself, even tho I knew I was doing well, dropping clothes sizes every week or so, if I didn't see what I thought I should see on the scale, it would frustrate me. So I realized that in that regard, I was my own worst enemy. So I stopped weighing.
Now I weigh myself every two weeks and only because I am working toward plastic surgery approval. I am still losing so I have to see when I stop so my plastic surgeon recommended that I do start weighing, but I am down almost 170 lbs so whatever the scale says is basically fine at this stage.
Congrats on your accomplishments! It does feel wonderful especially at this time of the year when we shed our coats. It's nice to feel normal (or as my kids would say, as close to normal as possible.)
Take care,
THANKS EVERYONE for the encouragement.
NICOLE, I have a dog who was ready to put down, rescued from the shelter.She is mostly Beagle and ?
She is just about the cutest, sweetest thing that I have ever known...and I've had a lot of dogs. I think that somewhere deep inside she knows that she got another chance at life. ( Like All Of Us! )
It took quite along time, love and patience to try to get her out of her shell and to try to socialize her. When I walk with her, it really is a miracle because at one time she wouldn't even leave the back door without being coaxed. She enjoys it so much and I just HAVE to take her. So really we're helping each other. Don't you love when a dog SMILES?
SO SUSAN....there really is another scale nut like me! Nice to know that.
Take Care~~

Oh Penny and Susan, I so understand the scale obsession. In the past, I let those numbers control my moods, my activities for the day, whether I would have fun with my children or exercise another 45 mins, whether I would go to a social function or come up with an excuse.
This time around will be different. The goal number is completely arbitrary. I am going to start a thread right now of non-numeric goals...milestones that mark our success other than the scale. Thanks for the idea and inspiration!