I'm so proud of me!
Okay...don't laugh. But after three weeks, I finally found the courage to call Albany Med. and ask for an info packet about bariatric surgery. Being the paranoid chicken that I am
...I've been putting it off with the illogical fear that they would laugh at me. I see this as the first step in actually trying to take over my own life. Next step, I need to talk to my PCP and let her know that I'm seriously desiring the surgery (cant do anything without her say so...CDPHP HMO needs referrals!!!). And then I also need to help my sister get accepted by medicaid...she needs the surgery as much/if not MORE than I do. Wish me luck. Boy, do I need it.

Hi Sonya,
Good for you!!
It is a big decision to make. It is a life long choice. Just remember the good out weighs the bad. I am sure it's not for everyone, only you can make that choice. I hope the rest of your choices through this journey are easier for you.
Try going to a support group, they are very helpful. Not to mention this site!
Good Luck!!

Thats a big step, I hope everything goes well for you. Inorder for your sister to get approved by medicaid she would need to be seen by a surgeon who has been awarded the "certificate of excellence" as well as the hospital she would have the surgery at. Heres 2 books that I read...very inspirational and informative PLUS awesome recipes, I recommend picking em up. "Before & After" by Susan Leach [you can get it at amazon.com or bariatriceating.com] and Weight-Loss Surgery for Dummies
First, congratulations on your decision. I am 5 weeks post op and it was the best decision I ever made. Albany Med is top notch. There is a support group there on Thursdays from 6-9 that you could go to if you want to get information or just hear peoples experiences. You don't have to be in the program to attend. I hope to see you there!
Way to go!! You should be proud of you! This is the first step to your new life and the fact that you will be putting yourself first. You are so wonderful for caring for your sister the way you are- MAybe you and she can do it together. I am going through the program at Albany Med myself. I will have surgery on June 4. I started in January and believe me it is worth everything that you need to do in preparation to the surgery. Once you make that call- and you did- you will be on your way to health and freedom from all that ailes you! The "team" at Albany Med has been recogized at a center of excellence- they educate you from the begining and keep on with you forever! I cant say enough about their program and the people that you deal with. The support groups are awesome (thursday 6-9) although only 2 are required before surgery, I must say it has been really helpful to me as I have worked through this journey! Good luck to you and your sister-

(deactivated member)
on 5/8/07 11:35 pm - MT
on 5/8/07 11:35 pm - MT
Well this IS the first step in moving forward and when the time is right you will know to take it further. Take your time hun and do what is good for you! CONGRATS!!
This is very exciting and an awesome journey!
keep us posted!
Debra P