Cold Feet
Hey Robin!!! Congrats on having a surgery date and it's just around the corner. My surgery is next Tuesday so I'm right there with ya. There are times that I question what I am doing ...I go over all the risks in my head more and more with each passing day. When I think like that I just remember what it took to get to this point and how amazing I will feel when I can go into ANY store I want and they will have my size, or when I can actually enjoy a summer..better yet when I can RUN!!! So just remind yourself why you origanlly decided on having wls and what your goals are when you lose the weight. You will do just fine!!!!! Good luck and if you need to talk I'm here!!!!

Cheri........ i got a seat for ya on the bench next to me.........No worries hun...your gonna be fine........Let me tell ya something......i have no regrets...N O N E....well.....only that i didnt do this surgery alot earlyer in my life is all........I have been out nearly 1 1/2 years.........the time has flown...And now 140 lbs less which i have maintained the past 6 months my life has changed sooooooo much....And so will yours........i will be thinking of ya ........your gonna be fine.
hugs Darlene
Yep will no longer be a priority in your life.....You will think of different
My surgery was in Novemeber and i thought "why did i pick this time" problems the first time with the holidays but this past Novemeber was a bit more difficult ...I was faced with decisions as my eating has expanded a bit...but i made it...............and so will you !!!!! 9 more days....

Hi Robin,
Guess what? You're totally normal! Doubts are part of this journey. In fact, the day I came home from my surgery...I walked into my Mom's house because I was staying there for the first week....I sat down on a stool in her kitchen....and I said, "WHAT DID I DO?". At that moment, I felt like I had made the biggest mistake. I had to face unfamiliar food choices and, even worse in my case, crushed up, icky tasting medicine....and I was on MANY pills at the time. I thought to myself: "I will NEVER get through this...crushing all my tastes gross and takes an extra hour....I'll never be able to do this before work...etc"
Well...I am now almost 8 months post op....117 pounds down...and I take pills normally. I still have to wake up an hour early though...why?? Because I go to the gym before work!! Imagine that!
I have a new life. Yeah, the shopping part is nice but I can walk without pain....I can breath after I walk....I can wash myself in the shower with ease (ok...TMI)...I HAVE A LIFE!
Keep us posted on your progress. I have to run to the gym...Britt is there waiting for her AchievOne (just kidding, but Britt and I do work out together! It's awesome! And to think we met on this support forum!)