24 hours and counting...
Okay team...in 24 hours (6:30 a.m.) my dad will be knocking on my front door to take me to the hospital. I have to be there by 8, surgery at 10. I'm exploding with emotion right now. I have no idea what to pack...I'm staying overnight, guess it's a new policy for banders. I don't want to pack another outfit, I'll just wear the one I wear to the hospital, home. Should I bring jammies? I know I'll be wearing the lovely evening gown the hospital provides, but for how long? I have no clue! LOL
I sell jewelry at our local farmer's market. My best friend's mom came up to me and asked, "if you can lose it on your own, why have the surgery"? I guess they haven't a clue about this illness, b/c my best friend asked me the same thing when I lost some weight in February - March on WW and working out at CURVES. My simplified response to both have been, "with all the diets I have been on in the past, have you seen me gain the weight back"? I leave it at that. I think the only support I really have is from my sisters and from those of you here. Thank you my loverlies!

Nope, they just don't get it unless they've been there, and battled it fr years. And then they are still likely to be nay-sayers because they are unwilling to take that big step themselves. But you now what? They have no right to even think about what you do for your health, the decisions you make or steps you take. None.
I am sooooo darned excited for you! Girl, how the heck are you even gonna sleep tonight? Tomorrow is the start of a whole new adventure for you, a WHOLE NEW LIFE!!!! WOWSA!!!
Thank you!!!!!!
I can't stand it right now!
Not sure I can sleep.
Plus, they moved my surgery up an hour, to 9 a.m.
I am thinking about my "last supper".
I have no idea what I want for dinner, if anything!
That's a first!
I'll keep ya posted!
I'm hoping they let me come home, since surgery is earlier!!!

Good luck to you, Cheri.
You might want to bring a light weight gown or robe since those hospital gowns don't always close that well, but for one night, I wouldn't pack much other than something to keep you entertained if needed.
As far as what others say, I always tell people that I am great at losing weight...at keeping it off, not so much. Having this surgery is a personal choice and just know that you are making the right decision for you and that is what counts. Even people who don't understand can still be supportive of you by being there.
Anyway, good luck and God speed tomorrow.