Oops, I did a boo boo, lol
I had a little mishap Friday evening. I was standing in the kitchen making dinner and I felt a little weird and I went and sat down.
I got to the kitchen table and I felt wet and thought what the heck? I looked down and I thought omgosh how did I get Ketchup on me? I pulled my shirt up and blood was pouring out of my port insicion
My husband was planting trees outside...my kids are all screaming....my mother calls 911, my oldest son calls my primary dco who is a great friend of ours.
My hubby runs in the house and sees blood all over the floor and all over me.
My Dr. actually gets to my house in two minutes, as he was right down the road playing golf! He comes in, calls me a drama queen and takes a look. He said it looked like old blood that had pooled around the port site. He calls Dr M's. office & Dr Foster was on call, she said that it sounds like it is a small part of the incision that closed too fast on the outside and not the inside. It was building pressure, like my Dr said. So it found a way out, lol so the ambulance gts here and my Dr says he has it under control...so they leave. I was so freaked out that I shook all over and got cold way fast.
Next morning Saturday I wake up covered in blood.
My hubby called Dr Foster to make sure it was okay and she said it is still draining nad might take a bit. Then of course we call our primary who says the same thing, lol
Today it is just a slow trickle but it is annoying. So I might need to go in so he can look at it, lol It does not hurt, I have no fever but they got me on antibiotics. The actual cut looks great, no redness or anything. I am suppose to call in the morning to get looked out for precaution
So that is my drama.
My husband left early this morning to go to Orlando on a business trip so I am here with 7 kids and my mom whom is disabled (eeeks) for a week.
My mother in law and father in law along with my sister in law are in Michigan. So...I might be taking all my wee ones with me to see Dr M! I do not need hospital time so PRAY, I am good to go!
I feel really great! I have tons of energy and I do NEED to slow down. I am too *****y for my own good.

Jimminy Crickets, Chelle! That would have scared the bejeepers out of anyone!
Hey, I am really not far from Apalachin at all. If you need to go to the docs, call me. I am home during the day, and would be happyto come hang out with your mom and kidsters while you have your appt!. Or you can drop them off here. We have 18 acres of open field to play in and trees to climb. Or I could ride along and just stay in the waiting room with them so you don't have to take them all in with you! Seriously, just call- pm'd you with the number.