Sucky Moment...
I know, we've all had them, right?
I took my dd to a b-day party yesterday, an outdoor shindig. Me, the protective parent, doesn't just drop my kids and leave them at someone's house I've never met...much as I may have wanted to. So there were lots of adults there, all from the same family, and not a male over 180lbs or a female over 130lbs! I couldn't even fit my backside into their resin lawn chairs! They were all very sweet, but talk about conspicuous! I didn't have a choice but to stand for 3 hrs! Oh well, made myself indispensable to the hostess by clearing tables and pouring drinks. So I'm the jolly, useful fat person
I'm not really as snarky about the whole thing as I sound, not like I would have been a year ago, because I know I'm on the road to making it better. Eventually, all my ducks will be in a row, and this will happen, and I will be able to sit wherever, whenever, without looking for the sturdiest, largest, arm-less chair in the room!

hi Jane,
I know you didn't want to but you brought tears to my eyes. Gosh, I remember all of those situations. I could fill a journal with the times that my weight made me the "odd man out." The one you just shared with us I have experienced. My heart goes out to you.
But, your attitude is amazing!!!! I'm so glad that you didn't let it get you down and looked into the future and realized you were well on your way to fixing whatever it is you need to. I'm overwhelmed by your outlook. You should be so proud of yourself!!!!
Good luck in your journey.
hi!!strange u mentioned chairs. i just gave away my lawn chairs i bought 2 years ago to a neighbor because i never laid down on them or even had any short clothes to put on and i could not get up from them without falling over!!!!!!!!!!!!know what u mean. as you said, you are on the right road . great attitide girlfriend. hugs, christina ps. i still keep doing that virtual model of myself. it gives me insight for myself to being thin someday.
I am so looking forward to not worrying if I fit in a chair, or booth, seat at the movies etc... I feel for you, I was at my neighbors house last summer and she insisted I join her for a glass of ice tea outside, well, when I stood up to leave, the chair was attached to my butt!!! I was so humiliated!!!
Soon those days will be a vague memory.

Thanks Ladis, so much for the support and shoulder.I told DH and he said, "Awww, I'm sorry, but I think you're beautfiul and I know you were the sexiest mom there." How sweet is that. Of course he can't possibly unerstand the humiliation because he's never been there...but this will be the last summer any of us will be there, right? Can I Here an AMEN?? WOOHOO!
It's all good.

I have been overweight for a long time, however recently large to the point where I can't sit in resin chairs either. That was quite a realization. On top of that I have developed osteoarthritis in my back so I have to sit down. It's quite the combination. Do you have a date for your surgery yet or are you in the middle of the process like me? Great job on being indispensable to the hostess, I'm sure she appreciated it.