Help! Need a new Primary Care Physician
I am interested in having Gastric Bypass Surgery. I have gone to a hospital in my area (Ellis Hospital, located in the Capital District area of NY), and attended one of their Bariatric Seminars. While I was there, I thought they said that they would contact me to set up the first appointment. I had called back a month later to get told that I had to go see my primary care physician and have them send them a letter of medical necessity, so they could send it along to the insurance company. My primary care physician stopped practicing right around that time, so I went to a new doctor that practices in her office. She's a younger doctor and by what I gathered completely against the surgery. She told me that no insurance company would approve me for the surgery, and that she sees no medical necessity except for the fact that my weight makes me extremely depressed and I keep gaining weight. She didn't even ask me any other questions to find out that I also have shortness of breath, have sores because of my weight, break out in rashes if I do any form of exercise, and also have stress incontinence. Well, I basically am posting because I want to find a new primary care physician. One who will be more willing to help me out through this process and be willing to write the letter to my insurance company, and not just disregard it and not even try. So if anybody reading this knows any primary care physicians in the capital district who are more familiar with the process and more willing to help someone out, all the information you could provide me with would be amazing. Thanks!
Tavia V
on 5/4/07 8:07 pm - Long Island, NY
on 5/4/07 8:07 pm - Long Island, NY
MY PCP is awesome and has alot of gastric bypass patients b/c he shares many of the same patients w/my surgeons. He understand pretty much everything about this surgery before and after and knows what he is doing w/WLS patients. But I am on the North Shore of Long Island. If you want his name anyway let me know!
be well.

Hi Melanie,
My suggestion would be to ask any of your friends that have had WLS or if they know anyone that has had it and who there PCP is. In addition maybe go to another seminar and ask some of those people who there PCP is. Another way is ,if you know the surgeon you want to use, call there office and tell them you are looking for a new PCP and are having trouble finding one that will refer you for WLS.
I live in Erie County and my Dr agreed and gave me my referral, but he is also making me go on a low fat , low cholesterol diet and making me go for a sleep apnea test. Which I wasn't crazy about. I realize he has to give me my final clearence before the surgery so I am doing everything he tells me to , to show him I really want this.
I am just starting this journey and don't meet with my surgeon until the 16th of May,which is also the same day of my pysc. evaluation. I learned through all this you need patience. Which is something I don't have...LOL I am learning though and trying each day.
I wish you lots of will get there if your determined enough.

I'm definitely willing to do whatever a doctor suggests, even if I have to do a diet or what not, but the doctor I went to see wouldn't even consider helping me out, and said that she doesn't support the idea. She acted like I didn't realize it was a huge deal and a big commitment. Its a commitment that I am ready to make though and I am willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.
But thank you very much for your suggestions. Contacting the hospital that I had gone to might be very helpful. I never even thought of that. Definitely something I am going to look into. :)
I know I've heard of Stillwater, but can't right now for the life of me picture where it is on the map...
That said, I'd recommend my doc a thousand times over.... and really, anyone in the practice (because you may not have a choice)...
My doc is Dr. Theresa Viola in Capital Care Cushing Center... in a building that's attached to St Claire's hosp. Things may have changed since I first started seeing her, but last I knew she wasn't accepting new patients except as a courtesy to existing patients' immediate family... that's how I got in as a patient, my wife was already seeing her so they allowed me in. The rest of the docs in the practice are great as well, though you may need to go through each one to see who you like best personality-wise, as they all vary in personality types. I know for a fact that they have quite a few patients who have gone through various forms of WLS, though I believe I'm their only DS patient... something Dr Viola is pretty excited about, and very attentive and inquisitive to find out more about the procedure... she's always asking me questions about it and such.
Also, they have privileges at both St Claires and Ellis... so even though you'll be a patient of Drs Clarke or Lirio for surgery, they can always be called in if needed to consult regarding other issues. Also, should something happen where you decide to change surgeons to Dr Singh or one of his partners at Albany Med, I believe the Cap Care physycians also have privileges there as well... I know Dr Viola did part of her residency there.
Viola is our whole family doc (my wife, my son and me)
Best of luck
My pcp is wonderful and he is taking in new patiensts (PM ME AND i'LL GET YOU HIS NAME) and he is all for the surgery and extremely supportive... He is awesome!!
I too am having my surgery at ellis next month and I am so excited I can't think about anything else!!
My PCP's asst also had the surgery and she was much smaller then I and he got her approved for surgery and she looks and feels great (also by Dr. Clarke).

What is your BMI (ht/wt) is it above 40?
I can make a few recomendations. First My primary care physician is Dr. Susan Muller, she supported my desiion in 2002!!! Her contact info:
119 Lawrence Street (inside Wesley Health Care Center) Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 call: 518 581-7730
But a real consideration is Albany Clinical Nutrition in Albany (1240 New Scotland RD. Slingerlands, NY 12159) they are a group of 4 MDs and one NP who specialize in clinical nutrition and bariatrics! I have Dr Muller as PCP but I see Dr Denning 2x yr for my labs to f/up on the WLS, Dr. Denning is awesome! *So are all the providers there!* 518-475-7000 x 4; or at Albany Med is Dr. Sharon Alger/Dr. Jennifer Lindstrom 262-5299.
Also I invite you to the Saratoga WLS support group if interested we are meeting 1st Monday of month 6-8pm in Saratoga Hospital Board room, I have facilitated the group since it starte in 2003, this month I have a special guest speaker a friend of mine who is a Psychologist/adictions counselor and 2+ yr postop Lap bander who lost 100% HER EXCESS WT! speak on wls/addictions transfer.
Love to have you! If any other ? email me [email protected]
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02
Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45 before Surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've
decided to see beyond the imperfections!"