Going to the Hospital today!
Well today is the day where I go to Sisters Hospital and get all my pre-surgical testing done. I'm totally excited cause this means I'm just one more step closer to having surgery. May 15th wow!!!! Well off to get poked and stuck I'm sure!!! Hope everyone is doing well and has an awesome day!!!

Hiya Nicole!
I'm glad everything went well. My friend Tracy just came home yesterday from having lap RNY from Panamanglore. She is up doing laundry already today. She said the 2nd day was the hardest. She says she actually feels pretty good. I'm so happy for her.
Oh by the way I finally got my appt to meet w/Panamanglore on May 16th. Which is actually the same day I see Dr. Lelitto for the Pysch evaluation. So I don't know when my surgery date will be. I am hoping the end of June...we'll see.
Hope the 15th flies here for you!! Talk to you soon!!