Happy Sunday!
You know what? I am feeling pretty good! Recovery is coming along...I had to S-l-o-w down more...I am too darn energetic for my own good right now, lol
My hubby is threatening me with Horse Reins, lol I had a rough few days as I got my kids COLD!!!
Coughing a TON uncontrolably was the PITS.
OMGOSH...then to top it off let's add insult to injury on top of injury...I got my Period! I mean I just got off the dang thing a week before surgery
Cramps...all that jazz that I have NOT had since I lost 25 pounds pre-op I get it twice in one month, lol
Okay...so I have discovered I do not like SF carmel puding...ICK!
Carmel was my favorite candy...now it was NASTY. Way too sweet. Got to love it! Taste is changing!
Second...I am glad I ordered those little samples from Beth's...as I found one I ADORE and 2 scoops is one serving and 40 protein grams! Takes me all day to drink but I am getting it in. SO healing is taking place!
Third is walking...I am doing laps all around my house and outside. That has gotten my lungs feeling freeer after surgery.
Fourth listen to your body. Wow? Who the heck said that?
Oh my gosh...I have been really listening to my body...letting it tell me what I want instead of getting in the "flesh" of the pre-op stage...I am finding I have more will power and more strength that I ever gave my self credit for. Wow! Love that!
Even listening when I needed a rest and figuring out how to do that with 7 kiddos, that was chalanging but it really worked!
Fifth...is my port site is sore, lol I think if I stopped feeling on it it would not hurt as much lmbo! But hey...it is a new part of me...kind of cool!
SO there is my little update! Yahooo!! I am on my way to smaller panties! I cannot wait to freak my hubby out more than I do now
(((HUGS))) and XXXXXX's to all! Hopoe you are having a super fantastic day!!!

OMG How exciting!!! You're awesome!!!!!! And man am I taking notes on to's and not to's! I hope to get back to work the Monday after my surgery! Even if I just sit at my desk, I don't want to use sick time, just the weeks vacation! Think that's possible? LOL @port playing and smaller panties!!! YEE HAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I took my son out to dinner for his 21st b-day. I'm considering that my last supper. LOL Tomorrow I will be starting to prepare for surgery by drinking my protein drinks. I have a bunch of samples ordered. I think I will prefer the chockie ones, but I'm trying all flavors to see.
Congrats again how how great you're doing! KUDOS to the hubba bubba and the kids for helping!
MUAH! xo
~ Cheri

Chelle, I'm so glad to hear your healing up so well.Slow down and take it easy there girl!!!LOL There will be plenty of time to freak your Hubby out after you are back to your old self.
Mean while sip,sleep and keep walking when you can and feel up to it.Of course you could start shopping for some of those new panties right from the comfort of your computer chair!Take care,Let the slimming begin!