I'm having surgery on May 15th and I was wondering what everyone recommends for protein drinks/supplements. Also was wondering if anyone has tried the Tropical Oasis liquid vitamins...I have a hard time swallowing vitamins and I hate chewables any suggestions?? Any website I can try--I've looked on here and also else is out there? Thanks everyone!!!
Try not to get to many protein shakes/mixes pre-op, as your tastes may change after surgery!
I get most of my powder at wall mart (chocolate body fortress). I also have the Matrix cookies and cream, Protein delight vanillia very berry, Protein delight chocolate coconut, and Protein delight pineapple vanilla from the net. Shop around as prices do vary.
I was given the OK to swallow my Vits at 2 weeks out, IF they were cut up small, and I could keep them down. I did and have never had chewables or liquid vitamins (THERE HORRIBLE TASTING)!
All the best to you!!!!
hiya Nicole,
Ask your doctor about the vitamins, I take one centrum chewable daily and two chewable tums.
Regarding the protein,I am nine months out and prefer to eat my proteins than to drink. However, I can recommend AchieveOne, I like all of those varieties. The protein drinks are very expensive, so buy samples first and yes, its true, what may taste decent to you preop may seem horrible to you postop, so samples are definitly the way to go.
good luck,

My date is in the 17th and I was worried about the same thing. In my support group they told me about a sight called and they have many wonderful things...but the best is that they offer a trial/combo pack of sorts so you have many options and then if you really like something you can order it. It was like only $32. Hope this helps...I ordered mine and am waiting for it now. I have to say I am starting to freak out about the surgery. I think I never thought I would get this close!!! Good luck!!!

Hi Nicole. I had a hard time with protein drinks as well. After trying many i finally found one that i actually like. Its Jay Robb Whey brand. I get it at Whole Foods and online. Its a bit more pricey then others however its the only one i can tolerate. I actually use it these days in my coffee. But early post op i lived on the Stallone Puddings. Lots of protein in them and they taste good as well. I get those at GNC and still use them occasionally today. I use the vanilla one with a little whip cream when the kiddies are having ice cream and i use the banana with half banana in it when i dont feel like making breakfast. So early out the puddings might work for you. As for vitamins from day one i used Viactive chocolate chewables. Makes me feel like i am having a piece of candy. I do two a day, one in the am and one in the afternoon. Alot of things post op are trial and error. This is what worked and still work for me today. Good luck and keep us posted.
WOW May 15th thats so close.....
Hey Nicole:
I actually like eating my protein as well. I eat lots of grilled chicken (moistened of course with a tad of olive oil or lite dressing). IN the beginning, my hubby pureed it for me and it went down great. I don't like those protein shakes that I had to go on a week before surgery -- they made me so nauseas. I'm 5 weeks out now and I'm having little pieces of meat, chopped meat and chicken. That's where I get my protein from. As for vitamins.... I have one Centrum chewable and I also have calcium, iron and a sublingual B12. They're all chewable and the dr. gave me this website to get them from. it's called they're a little pricey but hey if you have to get them, get them!
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!
Yipppie yi yeah babe! Only 2 weeks left! OMGOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (((HUGS))) Ummmm...take it from the freak kid not go but a ton like some of have
even when told "oh your taste will change....or do not go and buy this or that...I did
I so did not want to get caught with my pants down...rofl BUT hey stubborn thick headed Italian here...I did just that. DO NOT DO IT! Find something you like now. Stick with it. Then try it after surgery. You can go to this place and she has cheap samples that is what I did and I found a favorite! Woo hoo! So you can get a variety and not spend lots of bucks.
Woo hoo baby you are almost there!!!! If you like I do not mind sending you some samples of the TONS that I have for free babe. I will write down all the info for ya! Let me know!!!!

Go to the website. She is an expert in what kinds of proteins we can have and they are so friendly. They really care about the customers they serve. She also has most of her protien in sample sizes for $2.00 each. My daughter is post op and she really likes the watermelon and fuzzy navel the best. Good luck to you. See ya at Sisters. My surgery is the day after yours.
Protein tastes vary, so I recommend getting samples and trying a bunch!
Here are some good sites to get samples from: (a longterm 11yr +/- distal gastric bypasser, well known in WLS community, helpful for vits as well email her w./ ?) *I think she is out of sample business but has larger tubs and vits such as powdered upcalD calcium citrate! (Susan Maria is a wlser as well, some like her others disagree w/ her opinions/rants) this site has some great sampler packs/combos!!!
As far as common favorites, of course I love my PVL Whey gourmet (they have 15 flavors!) I get the 2# TUBS cheap at $21.99 each has them as well 425/2# jug
Champion Pure Whey stack: chocolate, banana screm & moccachino (strawberry is ok) Vanilla is YUCKY! These coe in 2 and 5# tubs, some sites sell 53 for $25 a real bargain! like they are local in Albany NY and shipping is always $4.95 regardless of what u order!
Champion Pro Score 100 Chocolate
Syntrax Nectars: kool-aidy type: roadside lemonade, fuzzynavel, strawberry-kiwi, apple ecstasy, Cappuccino Latte, caribbean coler (pinacolada flavor), I DONOT like the cryatal sky (fruit punch) or very berry cherry1 The teas are ok bu****ch the cafeine (as withthe cappuccino!)
Labrada ProV 60 vanilla a good base (as is PVL whey gourmet vanilla or white chocolate) for a whole host of addins:
ice, a tsp of sf/ff pudding powder any flavor or tsp of sf jello powder!, extracts, spices...etc....or
Spruce up your proteinshakes with Sugar Free syrups!
as many other sites carry them! over 50 favors! I have 24 myself!
Super Walmart has a few SF flavors by coffee, TJ MAXX also carries a variety ocassionally.....
A magic bullet blender is another MUST have! Quick, small, powerful, perfect size for shakes and easy cleaning! has em $59 free S&H or has them BOGO bu****ch the shipping....
Here R a few of my fav recipes!
Jamie's Berrylicious shake:
3 frozen strawberries
4 ice cubes
30g of protein powder (I love PVL whey gourmet's vanilla/white chocolate or raspberry) ~1.5 scoops
1 glug/splash of davinic's SF coconut, almond & strawberry syrups
1 Tablespoon of Flax seed groud (optional this is my fiber but adds nutty flavor!)
6-7oz of SF Kooliad any flavor (cherry/fruitpunch/strawberry etc, I like Walmart brand strawberry best!)
*1 tsp sf/ff of one of the following flavors: white chocolate/cheesecake/vanilla pudding also for a thicker shake (optional)
Mix all in Magic Bullet blender...Vaaroom!
Awesome for a pre workout boost! Note strawberries do add carbs! may not be allowed early postop!
Caramel dipped apple protein shake
3/4 scoop PVL whey gourmet caramel dip protein
3/4 scop syntrax nectar Apple Ecstasy
6 ice cubes
6 squirts (+/-) Sugar Free caramel syrup
water to fill magic bullet mug (~5-7 oz)
whizz up in MB blender YUMMY!
I also add 1 scoop (500mg) upcalD and 1T ground golden flax seed to my shakes
Jamie's Pumpkinlicious shake:
5 ice cubes
1/4 cup plain canned pumpkin (Keep rest in fridge for more shakes!)
30g protein powder (~1.5 scoops) I like PVL whey gourmet vanilla or white chocolate for this best
few dashes of either cinnamon/nutmeg or pumpkin pie spice to taste
2 glugs/splashes of either: SF davinics spice blend or gingerbread syrup
1 T Flasx seed groung (*Optional my fiber but goes well!)
Whizz up in magic bullet! YUMMY! LIke pumpkin pie almost!
Coconut banana shake
Put in MB/blender:
Splash Malibu Sugar Free DaVinvci Syrup
Splash Pinapple Sugar Free DaVinvci Syrup
2-3 Ice cubes
1 1/3 scoop Banana Scream PWS
Optional: Tbsp Benefiber
Blend--add a little water if too thick and reblend
Peach Melba protein shake
1 scoop Syntrax nectar fuzzy navel (which is peach flavored)
6 ice cubes
1/4 cup frozen raspberries
3 squirts peach SF syrup
3 squirts raspberry sf syrup (may use 6 squirts of one or other also)
water to fill MB mug (or some raspberry ice cyrstal lite!)
mix in MB blender YUMMY!
I also add 1T golden ground flax seed and 1 scoop (500mg) upcal D caclium citrate powder to my shakes!
I did flinstones chews for 1 mo then went to reg vits, I say liquid vits are expe$ive and VILE taste/smelling, but that is me...Be well~
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02
Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45 before Surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've
decided to see beyond the imperfections!"