HI new to this board, Want to lose weight again
Hello! My name is Vicky and I had my surgery in Nov 2001. I was 350 at my heighest and 170 at my lowest. Now Im 230 and i HATE being this weight. I exercise for at least 30 minutes at least 5 days a week but no loss. I know Im having trouble eating but i just dont know what to do. anyne have any pointers????
Hi Vicky, what type of surgery did you have ? If you had lap band, then you can always talk to your doctor about having a band adjustment to control your food intake.
If you had gastric bypass ... I dont know the results for that type of WLS but maybe you should talk to your doctor about that too.
Good Luck!
Hi Vicky,
The dr. didn't operate on your brain, just your stomach. I'm convinced that post-op support is the key to your success. So, have you joined any support groups? Have you thought about starting your own? Also, this OH website can help out tremendously.
Remember that the WLS is ONLY a tool. If you do what you've always done, you'll have what you've always had. So, maybe you need to go back to square one, try a liquid diet. Weigh and measure. Eat only lowfat, low carb,high protein foods. are you eating your proteins first? Remember all of the above and try to get that frame of mind back, you can do it, but only if you try!
Good luck,

Vicky I think you CAN do it! You already have the tool sweets! You can do it!!! You have the mind set and you are strong! You are coming out and telling us! What a great step in the right direction love! Keep that chin up...remember back to when it all first started....you made a choice...to better you life...came from the heart....then you had the surgery....go back there and remember that. Then go to the place when you first bought your next size down...it was done by you! Get back that thinking of YES YOU CAN! I am rooting for you! (((HUGS))) do not let others bring you down...stay focused babe!
Vicky,I don't have any pointers b/c I'm only 10 months out and Gaining the wieght back is a real fear for me.I can see how easy it would be to slip into my old ways.I'm at a point where my appitiete is back and I sneak a few goodies here and there.Of course sweets don't bother me.Greasy food doesn't bother me either.I'm just trying to make better choices and keep exercising.To bad they couldn't tweek are brains! I guess we just gotta get in the right frame of mind and try are best.We will fall down b/c we are only human,but we gotta get up and dust are selfs off and keep moving foward.We have come to far to let them DAM TWINKIES run our lives!!! Stay away from all those negitive people in your life too!Stay strong and Love yourself!Darlene