Holy smokes!
Good morning! I am feeling a LOT less gassy and feel liike I can sit and type some now, lol OMGOODNESS...the gas was/is horrid lolololol. My kids are all laughing and thinking I can bottle it we could get rich, lol
I am feeling good. Sipping and getting some liquid proteins in. I am sore but more from the gas than the actual surgery. I have a cough that is driving me nuts. I am not sure if it was from the tube and being under or if one of my seven passed their cough to me, lol
I have had a low grade fever...but they say it is to be expected...it is off and on. IM ay call today if it keeps coming on.
I am so STOKED I did this. I still keep saying "wow I am done, I really did it"
My first follow up is on the 3rd with my Surgeon! Woo hoo!
(((HUGS))) to you all!

YAY CHELLE!!!!!! I am so glad you are on the other side and that you're feeling better today! I thought about you all day yesterday and was hoping you weren't in too much pain. I had my class in Ithaca Wed eve so came up early to pop in on you and you had already left for home! That was amazing! I wish you all kinds of success, My Friend!
Hi Chelle ... I remember my gassy pain ... UGH! :"( ... that is something I do not want to go through again ! I remember I posted about my gas pain agony and I got a lot of responses and I got a note of support from you (thanks for that again by the way). My surgery was on a Tuesday and I didnt feel the gas pain until about Friday night until Monday morning. Thank goodness I was able to reach my doctor that Monday who suggested taking gas x before I eat or drink anything. Also, he advised me to walk around a lot.
I'm sorry you had to go thru that pain too. HUGS HUGS HUGS !!!!!
I had to take my vicodin to help me with the pain and I did feel pain free. I used to call those moments my "PSYCHEDELIC LOVE POWER GENERATION MOMENT
LOL !!!!
I know coughing is a killer. SNEEZING is soooo much more pain.
When I came home on Wednesday night ... I woke up Tuesday morning because I sneezed ... and then I yelped !!! THAT REALLY HURT .... no one told me that if I coughed or sneezed to hold on to my tummy. Well ... now I now. I'm 3 weeks post op but I still have to deal with holding my tummy whenever I get an itchy nose or itcy throat.
Good luck on your visit to your doctor. I wish you all the best and A VERY VERY SPEEEEDY RECOVERY.
((hugs)) ~ Francesca

YIPPEE!! Ya did do it!!! 
I hope no one lights a match! RUN KIDS, RUN!
How is the sipping going? I'm stocking up to make sure I don't have to leave the house for a week after surgery...lol I'm going to be more prepared for this than I was for Y 2 K or the most the snowstorm that dropped 18" on us last Monday! Ya know, I still have ppl tell me I don't need to do this, or I shouldn't. They obviously know nothing about me or this disease! I'm doing it dag nabbit! WOW...your appt is on the 3rd? Gosh, I didn't think they'd see me until my fill 6 weeks later!
I just heard that antioxodents are found in rum, vodka and tequila!
I've asked that we all get matching jerseys on the losers bench!