I am SO EXCITED! I just wanted to let everyone know i passed my psych exam. It took all of 20 minutes and I am so glad I am one step closer too getting my surgery! I am going to my PCP the first week of May and then I will schedule my consultation with Dr. Caruana. I already contacted the insurance company and it looks like im eligible so im hoping that goes well. I was just diagnosed with sleep apnea and am on CPAP so i have 2 things that qualify me. It just seems to be going to easy, i keep waiting for the other shoe to drop! I feel so good that im finially doing something for myself to become a more healthy happy person!Michelle W
WOOWOO! You're doing awesome and have so much completed already!!!!!! 20 minutes???? OMG I was there for hours with the head shrinker! (I'm a social worker) He's kinda cute, so I didn't mind! LOL It was the 350 multiple choice questions I had to answer after I spoke with him! Fingers crossed for ya sweetie!

Good for you! The Psyc. eval wasn't bad but that CPAP machine was the pits. I have a very mild case of SA so I didn't have to come back for the treatment part until I heard from Dr. Forbes. She called and said that she sent an authorization for the treatment part. What a nightmare. I starterd with the nose mask. That lasted for about two hours. I then asked for the full facial mask. I felt like I was suffocating. That full face mask lasted about 45 min. I never did fall asleep. I called my sleep attenendent and she said we will cancel the test and to call your ride to go home. Needless to say my Hubsand was not happy to be called out at 1:00 am.
So I guess this puts me back. I have yet to call the IHA to see if I am going to qualify. No news is good news..... Lori L