Hmmm, I'm looking at many posts seeing that some docs have people doing the pre-op liquid diets. Ug, I haven't had to do that. Acutally, I don't have to do anything to prepare for surgery on May 8th! Just stop eating and drinking at midnight. I have lost 18 since February doing WW and Curves, but I haven't done the liquid thing. Should I? I know it would shrink my stomach. I've been buying some protein drinks...EAS, Atkins, Carnation and I have a couple freebies coming. My youngest sis gave me some Vanilla flavored liquid protein stuff from GNC, too! I found some diet Ocean spray Raspberry Grape...0 calories 0 fat and some TWISTER Orange cranberry flavored. Any other ideas? I also bought some baby I LOVE THE BANANAS! I'll have to check the calories on them! Ideas?

That was my exact concern! Thanks for sharing that with me! I'll stick to fresh fruits and veggies when I get to that stage...LOL Now, I sound like a baby! I have a MAGIC BULLET that purees foods, makes slushies, etc. I know that will have a burned out motor! I plan on making loads of protein slushies!!!! Have they told you how long you'll be in the hospital?
~ Cheri

I tell ya, if you're able to spend $50 or so, this MAGIC BULLET my dad gave me a couple years ago is perfect! It has a cup that screws on after you add the ice and liquids, tip it upside down on the mechanical part and zap it for less than 20 seconds! It's awesome, fast and SMALL! I t does many more things, but I use it to make slushies.
I will go in on the 8th and providing there are no complications, come home on the 9th.