HEY! GUESS WHAT ! I gotta date!!! Yippee! yes, yes, yes!! I got a date!
Can you tell I'm excited??? Oh, my god! It is June 11th!! I gotta date yippee!!
Ok, I am way too excited...!
Of course, I have like mega appointments coming up before hand :
# 1 medifast appointment ( I have to go on straight medifast until a day or 2 before surgery thne clear liquids ). I am expected to lose 25-26 lbs by my surgery date which is a requirment of surgeon 10% , and 10% which is req by insurance. I weigh 260.
3)ultra sound, upper gi & chest x ray
5)pulmonary lab
6)nut consult.
7) wellness center
& lastly medical clearance from my pcp.
and of course PRE-OP!!
& YES!! no barium enema!! Yes!!!!
Yippee for me!!!

WOW! Congrats! That is a lot to get done in a month and a half. Just brace yourself, even though I kept telling myself there will be a lot of dr appointments but it will be worth, there were still so many dr appointments and tests, it never seems to end. GOOD LUCK! You have a great support system her at OH