O.k. Im still new here so i thought i would ask you guys this question-How do they determine the candidates for lap vs. open RNY?I have my psych exam on Weds. then i can schedule my consultation with the surgeon- I am planning on lap Rny but now im starting to think maybe i dont qualify?Thanks Michelle W

That decision is made between you a nd your surgeon. Based on your medical history, eating habits amongst other things. What makes you think you don't qualify for RNY? Your BMI must be in excess of 40 (at least 100 pounds overweight)
Most insurance companies will cover you but you should do some research with your insurance company for any pre-qualifications. Such as, a 6 month supervised diet history, or a percentage of weight loss before surgery. Don't wait till you have everything done befor eyou find all this out. What is your insurance company? Where are you having your surgery?
My daughter was told she was not a canidate for lap because she was too heavy. She has over 200lbs to loose and she is not that tall. I was told I could have mine done either way (my choice) and I opted for open. After working in a surgical dept for 2 years I just felt it was the better choice for me. It is all very personal.
My daughter had her's done open on March 29th. She had very little pain and was up walking that day and has been on the move ever since and feels great. She didn't even use all the pain killers they gave her for at home. She just didn't need them.
Take your time and ask your doctor every single possible question you can think of. Read what you can about both types of surgery. Just remember, if you opt for lap you will also consent to having open if they get in there and realize for some reason you can't be done lap. That is just common procedure. Good luck to you and hope you find an answer that is just right for you.
Thanks so much for the reply. I have researched both options and i am really hoping to get lap done. I am trying to get in all the preop requirements now and am planning on maybe having the surgery in june or july.I have been researching for about a year now and just decided to take the leap, i am so ready now. Im keeping my finger crossed!Michelle
I would definintley have lap if you can. Do you have an appt with surgeon yet? dr caruanna does not due lap his partner dr pannemanglor does, that is who I am hoping to have surgery with. I meet with him next week. I can't wait it is very exciting andnerveracking at the same time. Dr caruanna did my freinds a couple years back open rny and had no problems what so ever and was out shopping 3 days after home from the hospital. What ever decision you decide will work out just fine. and i'mm sure you will have great results.