hi losers ... i have a question i wasnt nervous about this surgery but my day is monday 23 and last night i cried like i was saying bye to my kids is anyone feeling like that????? i think i may die but its my first time that i cry or get scare about this surgery i have had surgery before breast biopsy, gallbladder, and some more but never been nervous like this one ..
My surgery is on Monday also at 7:30 am. I am nervous and excited. I have an 8 month old son and I have thought alot more about this surgery then past surgerys. I have done alot of reading from the posts on this board and they answer alot of my questions. But the uneasy feeling is there. I'm sure we will both be fine, cant wait for it to be over and to more on to the next phase. Good Luck to you.
im not the only one OMG waiting for that day for almost 3 months and now im nervous ,excited,scare, my mind is running 100 miles per minute thinking about all the WHAT IF ???? i have 14 month baby girl and 2 boys 13 and 10 yrs old and i want to see my grandkids lol awww i will be my doctor first patient so i have to be in the hospital at 7 am and surgery is @ 10 am he knows my body because he removed my gallbladder last year but this is a new life for me ... GOOD LUCK AND WE SEE EACH OTHER ON THE LOSER BENCH ..OH MY GOD I WILL ENJOY JONES BEACH THIS YEAR .... STAY HEALTHY AND GOD BLESS YOU
{{{HUGS...HUGS...HUGS}}} and more hugs.
Girls, it wouldn't be normal if you didn't have at least some kind of little fear going into surgery.
I handled it this way. I went through all my tests and labs and then finally my insurance approved me, so I felt that it was all meant to be. Everything just fell into place.
I was at peace with it after that because I felt that if God lead me to it, He would somehow bring me through it.
So think positively and stay away from the morbid thoughts. You both will be just fine. You have worked so hard to get to this point.
Good Luck and I'll talk to you here or afterwards.
I'll be saying a prayer for you guys.
P.S. Don't forget your CHAPSTICK!

Hi hilda
I just had my surgery on the 9th and boy let me tell you did I cry. I also have 2 children and all I could imagine is them not having a mother. I cried the night before, the day of and even in the or when my Dr. Looked down at me as I was being crusified he said any questions all I remember is saying no and I was off to sleep. You will be fine trust your Dr. And be positive and everything will be ok. We are all here for you!!!! Good luck and we hold a seat on the losers bench. And as a little side note for a little motivation I am almost 2 weeks post and down 23lbs whoo hooooo
Hilda my sweet one! (((HUGS))) I am so darn excited about surgery. Then I get those scared thoughts of not making it and I remind myself that there are risks in everything. BUT we are all here and doing this to extend our lives. To love ourselves enough to take action. It is so normal to be fearful. You are not nuts. I am sure on Monday night I am going to be on here freaking out, lol Hang in there babe. YOu can do this and you have a buttload of people cheering you one, praying you through and thinking positive thoughts for you. PEACE to you sweet one!
Hilda, It's so normal to have these feelings as the time for surgery gets closer.Of course your worried for your children,every mother would be.I know when I had my surgery I was worried about my daughter,and the what ifs.Try to think positive thoughts about how much more healthy and beautiful you will be in such a short time.I'm sure you will be fine .My thoughts and prayers are with you.Keep us posted after you get home and feel up to it.

Oh sweetie, I know just how you are feeling, I am scheduled for May 21, and all sorts of thoughts run through my head. I am sure that you will be fine, and know that we are all here pulling for you and keeping you in our prayers. It is good that you have a Dr. that you are familiar with, may God guide his hands. (((((((hugs))))))).
hilda.... i have to tell you that i have been crying off/on this past month because i finally made up my mind to have the surgery. but this fat body is the only body i have known my whole life. i feel like someone has died and i wont be able to see them any more. and that person is me. for me being heavy has been an isolation thing.. keeps me safe if i stay home and eat..but i cant do that any more.. so i am morning already for the person i used to be.. but it's ok.. i can sing for the person who i will become. best of luck to you..dont worry you'll be ok.