:help: second day home from surgery!
Hi Sandy, It may just be gas that you are trying to pass. When you have your surgery they fill you up with air so they can maneuver their instruments. I know it was a long time before I could have a good fart! (ha ha) So your "urge" may just be gas and not a bowel. Relax and be patient. Believe me, when you have to really go, you'll know it. I think you may be experiencing air build up though. Just my opinion. I hope that helps a little. Trish (post-op 6 months now).
Sandy....first off, CONGRATULATIONS on your surgery - "Welcome to the Losers Bench!"
I agree...I think you may be experiencing 'GAS!'
B/c you are only 2 days out....and you probably did some sort of 'fast' b4 surgery...and now you are on liquids...you mostlikely don't need to have a BM yet....
BUT the whole gas issue went on for me for about a WEEK!!
it's not pleasent...sorry!
I know you are probably thrilled that you are thru the surgery...keep up your protein and liquids....and you will make it.
Lap RNY - 4/19/06

Hi Sandy,
Yes Dr. Kim is my surgeon too, but I haven't had mine done, I got rescheduled because he had an operation on his hand...I was supposed to have it done April 4th but I am looking at May 21st now. I kinda got the same impression of him during consult, but as long as he knows his stuff, I am okay with it. Are you feeling any better? I hope so.
Take Care,