One week from today!!
This is FANTASTIC seem thrilled!
I had my surgery a year ago tomorrow...and I can't believe how fast time has flown! This week will ZIP by before you know it! CONGRATULATIONS...
You'll be on cloud 9 this whole sure to follow your Docs protocol for b4 your surgeon turned someone away that cheated b4 surgery....
Good luck to you ...and looking forward to knowing you better on the other side!
Be sure to take TONS of Before me you will not regret it! I love all my fat pics now that I'm down 143#'s!!! Go for it, You'll love it!!

Deborah oh thank you so much for your sweet words of encouragment! I hate taking pics but I am! I want to see me shrinking and looking back going WOW! You have done so fantastic
I have been on my fast for now 10 days and I refuse to cheat! I am doing so good and feel so good I could scream! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! lol