How Far Post-Op Were You Permitted To Exercise?
I will be having my surgeon visit next week and I will confirm if there will be any exercise restrictions. (Lap RNY - no problems)
Just curious though. Right now I am trying to get in 2 miles of walking a day - that's it.
When were any of you allowed to do abdominal exercises for instance...or lift weights?
Are those wayyyyy down the line for me?
My poor tummy looks like a train wreck.
I am finally enthusiastic about starting.
I know that there are different rules for different folks...just wanted a general condensus.
My doctors protocol was like Marie's....I was only able to walk....and had a 15# weight restriction for 6weeks.
I wouldn't recommend you doing any abdominal exercise....I'm sure you doctor will give you the run down....mine strongly discouraged any major exercise until 3mos.
Hope everything goes smoothly for's great that you've worked yourself up in your are doing GREAT!!
That's amazing! I didn't do anything....soooo you are WAY ahead of the game! Good for you!!
Keep up the good work...and keep us posted on how your apt. goes...and when you get your surgery date...Great to meet you Penny Girl!