fearing the loose skin monster !
i have a large tummy so i know the loose skin there is going to be hidious .. dont insurance companies understand that how you look after getting healthy is very important to good mental health ? what's the sense of getting healthy and living longer if you cant stand the sight of yourself in the mirror ! what does the insurance companies want us to do gain the weight back ! they need to start approving the removal of skin from diff parts of the body or start paying out alot more in shrink sessions !

First things first. Don't worry about that problem until after the surgery.
Me? I won't be modeling for Playboy anytime soon, but when my weight loss brings me to the loose skin problem, I think that it will be better than the fat that occupies it now.
I'll think about it when I hit that bump and you should to. Some insurances do cover certain plastic surgeries.
Good Luck.
Although I do agree that in most cases, some degree of cosmetic surgery is needed to remove the excess skin and that insurance companies should take these things into consideration, the reality is that they really don't. Not from a cosmetic perspective. They're attitude is that they will help pay to get you healthier but they are not trying to pay to make you more beautiful - no matter how this may or may not affect your self-esteem. But depending on what insurance you have and what MEDICAL ISSUES THE EXCESS SKIN CAUSES YOU DOWN THE LINE, it is "POSSIBLE" to get insurance approval to pay for some and in some cases all reasonable plastic surgery costs associated with removing excess skin that is causing your significant medical problems (if you can prove it).
Look, some folks are having problems getting the weight loss surgery approved, let alone worrying about plastic surgery. I say one thing at a time. I also say that you need to plan ahead for the eventuality of needing plastic surgery down the line - whether that means to start saving for it or to document every rash, pimple, skin breakdown, neck, shoulder or back problem that you encounter that is due to the redundant skin with your doctors so that you can begin a paper trail of the problems. This will be crucial in the POSSIBILITY of getting insurance approval down the line.
Nothing wrong with being prepared but first take care of yourself during your weight loss journey and then tackle the PS issue when it becomes and issue down the line. Good luck.
Hey Renee!
Long time no see! Hey I agree with you on the plastic surgery, we need to document EVERYTHING to get these insurance companies to pay for plastics. From Rx to rashes to pictures to dermotologist appointments, everything. The loose skin can cause all sorts of health problems, so the Insurance companies eventually pay for the surgery.

Glad to see everyone's response on this subject. Let's all get it into our heads that its "Reconstructive Surgery" not "Plastic Surgery". I'm going to a PS Surgeon tomorrow for a consultation. I have my benefits plan in hand and I will be armed and ready to get my GBS, PCP and Gyno Doc letters ready for the doctor to send to Oxford FREEDOM.
Hi Jennifer
I definately know its called Reconstructive Surgery but your Insurance Company still calls it "Plastic" surgery whether we like the phrase or not. This was a huge subject for me and a very long and meticulous procedure. It does not happen as fast as we want it to happen. Hopefully you'll get through the red tape quickly, but they ask for a whole lot when it's going to cost a lot. It also depends on what type of surgery you need. I had a lot of very uncomfortable hanging skin as well as a hernia that developed as a result and that helped a lot. Good luck tomorrow. Keep us posted!