sleep study?
That all depends on what your surgeon requires. The first surgeon that I tried to have the surgery with did not require it, but the one I ended up having the surgery with did. I was diagnosed with mild sleep apnea, which did not require me to use a c-pap machine but did buy me some extra time in the recovery room.
Good luck with your journey.
Hi Elisa,
Yes, it does depend on your Dr. My PCP is being a dink and making me go. I am the same as you, snore rarely but that's it. I am going to the same surgeon my friend is going to and she didn't have to go for a sleep study...I was pissed! I go for mine on May 7th....can't wait! (NOT)
Debi* ;)
Hi Eliza
I had to have one just to rule out sleep apnea. It really was not bad at all, just kind of a pain in the butt to deal with all the wires that they put on you as well as trying to sleep with them on. I did not have sleep apnea so that was great to hear. I am sure that you will do just fine though.
Feel free to ask me any questions about mine. I posted my experience on my profile if you wish to read it too. I wish you the best of luck if you have to have a sleep study, and good luck with your upcoming surgery.
Mine is next week and I am so excited but am getting nervous too!! Only 11 more days to go!!

Elisa, I did have to have a sleep study done and I am glad that I did, it turns out I have sleep apnea and stopped breathing/struggled to breathe an amazing 83 times an hour, no wonder I didn't have any energy. It is just uncomfortable, hard to fall asleep when you know that they are waiting for you to, etc...I didn't have trouble with falling asleep while driving, I did snore, I never would've known had I not tested. Can't hurt might help. Best of luck to you!