Rain Rain EQUALS Eat Eat for me ugh
Ok I really dont like this weather, its making me depressed and HUNGRY...i know its not real Hunger but im Hungry! All day I have been picking and picking....Thank God I have to work tomorrow so if the weather stinks at least I will be to busy to think about food. Ok done venting ...
Rain Rain GO AWAY....sheesh... I dont even have a Ranger game to watch till Tuesday ...Ok got to go eat now..byebye lol...........yes i know im going
anyone want to come with me lol.........

Hey LisaMarie,
I feel the same, I'm used to going out when I am off on the weekends and this weather is really ish!
I've been cooking all day and all I have on my mind is food! I am really trying to avoid picking on this and picking on that, but it happens and tomorrow will be a better day!
So I will go
with you for today!

You can pull up a chair at my table,Lisa Marie. I have such yearnings for food right now that I am really having a hard time. Images of snacks and all kinds of good things are rolling through my brain.
But it's almost dinner and I think I'll have some broth and pureed chicken. Nope - you can't beat that! Yum Yum. I can't wait. (Not)
Now stop picking and drink your water!

With this weather, I've been drinking hot tea all day to try and warm me up from the inside out and keep my mind off the comfort foods. I normally avoid carbs, but I just had to have toast with a little butter today. At least it was a whole grain bread with 5 grams of protein.
I can't wait for the sunshine to come back.