WOW-Moment Unrelated to Weight
Those of you who have been around the past year know that Britt and I became close friends after meeting here.
We had the same surgeon; I was her Angel.
We found out we live around the corner from each other.
Now, we go to the gym together at 5:30am!!!!
And......we JUST realized: WE HAVE THE SAME BIRTHDAY!!! How weird is that? All this time we never knew!! We both yelled out , "Get the &!^$! outta here!!"
Funny how life works....and I wanted to share it!

Very cool.. A similar thing happend to me when i live on Long Island. I worked on a pediatric psych unit . I worked an opposite shift from my this girl that everyone called my "twin" because we acted so much like each other. So we were friends for a while and then found out one day that we had the same birthdays too...So i know that OMG feeling when that happens.
God brings people together for a reason! Im sorry i never had a change to meet Britt, i hope maybe at a get together this summer.
That really is cool!
When is your birthday by the way?? Maybe we sould start a post for everyone to post their birthdays under this one??
Mine is July 23
WHen is yours??