Hello! It's been years!
Hey LisaMarie!
I'm doing great, one thing we all need to remember is to take all of our vitamins and iron, and keep your labs in check! I learned the hard way, I sort of fell behind with the iron pills and now I am severely anemic! So I make sure I take my iron pills everyday as well as my vitamins and of course Calcium. Protein is very important for us to stay healthy, it's no fun being sick and weak. I had a scare a few months ago when I passed out because of my low iron count, but I am getting better day by day. I really needed that wake up call to get me back in the program! Really scary!
But we learn from our mistakes and I am making sure it never happens again. I have to remember I'm not like everyone else. Oh please make sure you have a Medic ID bracelet! It saved my life!

I am so glad you emphasized that because I am sooooooooooo bad with remembering my iron and b12. I know thats bad , but sometimes we take things for granted....my counts have been good but that dont mean a thing. I do take my multivitamins and calcium every day though. And i dont have a medic bracelet either...bad me....thats why its important for us to keep up with the boards because our imput helps remind each other...you just lit a fire under me to get my butt moving to get what i need. thank you.
I would definitely recommend that you get that MedicID bracelet; it lets the Medical people know what to do in case you become unconscious, it can happen to any of without warning, very good investment. But yes keep up your labs and your vitamins and you'll do great. I am doing so much better and feel better too.

Hi Maryellen!
Thanks! It has been a rough road but it's been great none the less. I have lost a total of 130 Lbs and I have managed to maintain the weight until now, I lose some here and there without even trying but that's part of having this great tool. We have to learn to use it to its full advantage and never take it for granted.

My Angel!
Oh my God! I tell you, I got so teary eyed when I saw your post! How are you!?
You don't know how much I have missed you, I think of you all the time, my cousin Vilma was just asking me the other day if I have heard from you lately, that's what sparked me to log on here to find my buddies!
I also updated my Profile, looks a lot like MySpace!
We will have to catch up! I will definitely be calling you soon!
We have to meet in the City one of these days!

Hi Family - it's been just about forever!
I just wanted to add my well wishes to the thread and touch base with my WLS family. I'm having some challenges lately, but it's good to know that there's still a place I can come where people can identify and offer encouragement or just a nice thought for the day! As I'm sure you know, it's raining like crazy here so please stay warm, dry, and blessed!