The Bean or the The Ball?
Well.... Hmmmm... To be honest I am seriously considering sending the bean back. There are plenty of workouts but I felt really "pushed." Truthfully it may be cuz it is the first real excercise dvd that is focused more toward people who already have a pretty good level of fitness. Right now I am at about 180 lbs and really felt rushed thru everything, which got me more frustrated as opposed to "wanting to kick it up." May- be it just isn't a good fit for me- but now that I say it, maybe I will just deflate it and put it away for a bit til I am feeling more confident about it. Plus one thing that you do need to know is that it isn't a tiny little thing. If your workout space is tight, you may want to reconsider (Inflate in 2 minutes ?!?!?! Oh yeah peeeleeeeez!)
Good luck no matter what you decide to do...